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It's been a days since we're talked to each other. I didn't know if she still hate me.

"I'm tired from the fan meeting today", I said to Johnny who's being sleepy while all of us heading back to the dorm.

My phone suddenly ringing and I see the caller ID which I hoped for Y/N to call but it's not.

Incoming Call

Dad: Hello, son. Can you come home if you're don't has a schedule.
You: I'd just finished for today. I'll be home then.
Dad: Arasseo adeul. See you at home. Bye.
You: Okay Appa, see you at home. Bye.

"Manager-nim, can you take me home instead of going to the dorm because my parents wanna see me", he nodded and make a U-turn.

As I opened the door, and eomma hug me, "We'd like to talked to you for a while".

As I sit down on the sofa and eomma bring drinks to us. "Your eomma would like to meet Y/N".Dad said making me spilled the tea on the floor.
"Eomma, Appa you're not kidding aren't you?", I give them a confused look.
"I'm sorry for being selfish. I should let the past gone. It's not her fault being in those situation", she keep talking.

"I would like her to be a part of our family even though she's being raised by a nice family as your dad said", eomma said and smiled.
"I didn't know if she's willing to meet us", I said looking down.
"What do you mean by that, Tyong-ah?", my dad asked me.
"I'd messed up. She must be hated me now". I said to them.

"Did you meet her?", They asked me looking for an answer.
"She's here in Korea. Being an idol just to find us, her real family". My parents looking me in shocked. "She's already know us".
"I'm sure she'll understand you. Just talked to her first, okay?. We can wait until you sorted out things with her", my mom patted my back softly.
"Gomawo-yo, eomma", I thanks her for giving me the courage.

Just before they could talk more, Ten called me.

Incoming Call

Ten: Hello, Tyong hyung. Y/N's here. You might want to come over tomorrow. She wanna talk to you.
You: Arasseo, thanks for telling me about it.

I hang up the call.

"Eomma, appa I've got something to do at the  dorm. I need to go tomorrow morning. Eomma, can you dropped me off at my dorm tomorrow. I'm sure there's no bus at early morning.". She nodded and I'm walking to my room getting ready to sleep.


You walked to the NCT127 dorm and ring the doorbell. As the door opened, DoYoung hugged you tightly. "Y/N-ya I miss you buddy", buy you pushed her and hit her head. "Are you trying to kill me or what?", you glared at him and he just smiled.

"Jaehyun-a annyeong", you said to him but he just ignoring you.

"Y/N noona, we've ordered take out since Tyong hyung didn't come home tonight. Come and join us", Jungwoo invited you.
As you sit down with them, Jaehyun suddenly stand up. "I'm tired. I wanna rest. Goodnight", he said going to his room leaving others in confused.

"You'd stay here tonight, Y/N?", you nodded while eating the chicken they've ordered.
"I wanna sorted out things with Taeyong oppa but I guess it's not today", you said to them seeing Ten walking out to his room.

"What's wrong with Jaehyun hyung?. He's not sick right?", Haechan asked other. "He's might being a heartbroken boy right now", Johnny said looking at you.

You'd stand and walked to the kitchen reaching plate and put a fried chicken on it before walked to his room. You knocked the door but there's no answer. As you wanna turn back, Jaehyun opened the door, "Y/N, what is it?".
"They said you loved eating this so I save some for you", you said to him giving the plate to him. "Can we talked for a while?", you entered his room and he closed the door.

"I heard from Johnny oppa that you're heartbroken. You can share with me if you want to", I said to him.
"It's not like I'm having a relationship either but there's a girl I like but I guess she already belong to someone", he said looking down.
"Did you asked her?", he shakes his head. "Then you shouldn't make such assumptions and just asked her whether she like anyone else", I said to him trying to give him a suggestion.

He quiet for a while before he speak again.

"Then, did you already like someone else?", he asked you made you shocked for a while and laughed.
"Did you practicing it out on me?. I think it's not bad to asked her that".

But suddenly....

He kissed you and you just froze. "That girl was you.", He said and you blink your eyes couple time and your face crazily blushing.

"That's why you're ignoring me just because you thought I'm already in love someone else. And what made you said that?", you asked him.
"There's a someone picked up your phone this morning and Taeyong said it was a man. And you're not even reply my confession just now", he said to you.

You chuckled a bit before you talk. "First, the man who picked up my phone was Jinnie Oppa, my brother who's I known from my childhood day and second, it's not even a confession to me. And yes I'm not belong to anyone. I'm belong myself", he suddenly hugged you. "Be mine", he said and you nodded.

He leaned a little and started to kiss you. You stopped him when he's trying to go further. "We should take it slow", he smile nodded at you and hugged you. "We should join the other", he said going out from the room holding your hand.

When Jaehyun and you heading towards them, all of them look at you and Taeil pointed to our hand intertwined to each other. "Did we missed something?".

Jaehyun raised our hand then. "She's mine. So, Mark Lee, don't you dare making move on her", he warning Mark and make all of them laughing.
"Tcsh, so overprotective", Mark said rolling his eyes.
"Of course I am, she love me", and yet he started to teased you.
"Why would I'm yours. I love myself", you said leaving him and sit beside WinWin and Mark.

You didn't realised you slept while watching movies with others.


It was morning and the new couple didn't realised someone looking at them sleeping.

Found You (NCT LEE TAEYONG FANFIC x READER) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now