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You'd wake up to see Jaehyun beside you, sleeping like a baby. You started to traced his face with you finger. From his eyebrows to his eyes the gone to his nose and down to his lips. And you suddenly remember the kiss yesterday making you blush all of sudden.
"I didn't know you're so handsome in real life", suddenly he holds your hand stopping you from tracing his face.

"I didn't know you're so handsome in real life", suddenly he holds your hand stopping you from tracing his face

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"Enjoyed so much aren't you?", he said pulling you into his hugged.

"Yah JiSung-a, closed your eyes. It inappropriate for you to see", someone said making both it you shocked. It was Lee Taeyong.

"Oppa", you said.

"Tyong hyung", Jaehyun said after that.

They laughed to see your reaction. "I should've record it instead. Wake up lovebird", Taeyong said to both of you and you cutely run away to Taeyong room and get changed.

 Wake up lovebird", Taeyong said to both of you and you cutely run away to Taeyong room and get changed

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As you've done, you gone to the kitchen and see Taeyong making breakfast.
"Oppa, I'm sorry for making you worried. I didn't mean to run away but...", as you want to keep talking, he cut you off.
"I'm the one who should be sorry. When you said you already know, I've been so anxious not knowing if you hate me or not.",he keep talking.
"I won't leave you and I'll find out a way to make us a family. I'm promised you that", he said hugging you.
"Gomawo-yo, oppa. Saranghaeyo oppa", you hugged him back.

"Speaking of love, shouldn't you call your new boyfriend to come down?. We've got a practice at 11". He asked you to call Jaehyun. "Call the other too", and you make okay sign to him.
After you knocked all the door, you're knocking on Jaehyun door but there's no answer. As you opened the door, your cheek suddenly blushes.

When Jaehyun coming to you and hugged you, you yelled at him

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When Jaehyun coming to you and hugged you, you yelled at him. "Yah, Jung YoonOh. Put on a shirt you pervert".
"Ah. Wae?. You like it though", you letgo of his hugged and see he smirked.
"Get down now or you'll be late to practice", you said before walked out of the room.

You walked yourself to the kitchen.

"Y/N noona, your face getting red. Hyung, did she catches a cold didn't she?", Park JiSung asked him and see Taeyong laughed.
"Aniya. She just met perverted Jaehyun", he looked at you smirked and looking back at JiSung. "You still kid. You don't have to know it". He laughed patted his head.

While you helping Taeyong serving the dishes on the table, other member sit down.
"Haechan-a, Jaehyun eodisseo?", You asked him.

 "Haechan-a, Jaehyun eodisseo?", You asked him

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"I'm already here. I can see someone miss me", he kiss your forehead making other woo-ing you two.
He take a sit beside you and starting to eat while his other hand holding your hand, intertwined his finger.

Suddenly, your phone ringing. You'd tried to letgo of his hand but he wouldn't. "Just picked up the call with your other hand then. It just too wasted to letgo of it", you rolled your eyes and he just smiled showing all his teeth making you chuckled.

Unknown: Yeobosaeyeo, may I speak to Huang Y/N?
You: Yes, I'm speaking.
Unknown: It's KQ ENT. management. I would like you to come to the company today at 02.00pm. Please bring together your luggage and your necessities as you know you will be live with the other trainee.
You: It's deal then. But it's too sudden for me. But it's okay. I'll go there. Thanks for the information.

After you hang up the call, every eyes on you.
"Let me guess, you'll started your training today?", Jaehyun asked and you nodded. "I'm gonna be lonely after this".

"Why would you?. You still got a lot of practice right, Taeyong oppa?", Taeyong just smiled.
"Hyung, can I skip practice?. I want to spent time with her?", he pleaded him but you shake your head saying no.
"It's not like I'm going to military. It just a training. I can come here at weekend at least", You assured him.
"Arasseo, then", he said with a pouting face which you found it cute.

While you still packing your things, someone knocking on the door and see Jaehyun.
"I'll help you", he said taking you clothes out of the dresser.
"It's my honor then to have you as my helper", you can see he looking down not smiling even you're trying to be funny.
"Did you really have to be an idol?. Once you become an idol, I'm afraid we'll become more distant", he said to you.
"I believe in myself. Can I believe in you then?", he just quiet and nodded. "Then it's fine. I'm sure we'll find a way to be publicly together", you hugged him and he letgo before looking in your eyes. He roughly kiss you all over and started to go further.
You stopped him."I'll be nice to you", he said continue his doing.
"We can't do this, Jaehyun-a. I'm sorry but I'm not ready. I'm scared I can't deal with it". You pushed him a little and he just looking at you. "I'm sorry. I'll wait for you until you're ready. He hugged you and cuddle with you.

"You want me to sent you there?", Taeyong suddenly barged in and see you and Jaehyun cuddling. "Stop making this lonely man jealous", Johnny said walking to his bed.

"It's okay. I'll just go with HaNa then", and they just nodded. "Taeyong oppa, HaNa's here. I'm going now", you said hugging him and see Jaehyun with his sad eyes.
You hugged him and kissed his lips making him smiled all of sudden. You smirked, "I wonder if you really love me because you just want my lips or my sincere love".
"Of course because I love you", he said hugging you again.
"If it's really the case, you shouldn't be worry where I've gone either. Honesty and Believe is what important to me and you". You waved goodbye before leaving them.

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