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It's almost 5.00 pm and Jaehyun just come back from his date. "How's your date going, Jaehyun-a?", Jaehyun seem startled with my question.
"Date?. Ahhh. It just fine. Y/N seem happy today too. Wae hyung?", he asked me back and I just smiled.
"Nothing. I'd call her before and she said you're having lunch together. I thought of scolded you back but you're in washroom back then. Why'd didn't you tell her we had two weeks off?. She seems didn't know about that", I asked him as I'm curious.

"She seems busy with her debuted day soon so I didn't want her to get worried about us. I'll get going to my room then hyung. I'll getting rest a bit", he excused himself before I'm walking out the door and getting home to have dinner with my family.

As I've reached home, I'd see eomma and Y/N cooking together and I backhugged them. "Lee Taeyong, get yourself away from me. You're sticky boy", Y/N suddenly scolded me and eomma hit me with spatula lightly making Y/N laughed. "Go and washed yourself first. Call your dad to come down after that", eomma asked me then.

Before going upstairs, I'd turn around and looked at them.

'It's nice to have you as my sister Y/N', I'd smiled to myself before refreshing myself

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'It's nice to have you as my sister Y/N', I'd smiled to myself before refreshing myself.

As I've done with myself, I'm knocking on appa door to asked him to eat together.
"Taeyong, Y/N-ya, how's your day?", appa asked us.
"Eomma, appa, oppa, I'm going to have a pre-debut next week. It's okay if you can't make it". She just smiled. "It just a normal day like before. Waking up, having practice, lunch and going back to practice".
"Liar. She had a date with Jaehyun today. Jaehyun had been missing for a day long. And that's you called practice?", I smirked to her and she just smiled.
"Oppa, did I need to tell you everything?. At least I had a boyfriend unlike someone", both of my parents just smiling.
"Enough both of you, let's eat", eomma said before we started to eat again.
"Oppa, you're going back to your dorm?", she asked me.
"I'm going back at later because I need to get changed and going back to studio. I've got a work to be done. Wae?". I answered back.
"Can I go to your dorm then?. I'm missing the boys", she just smiled.
"Arasseo, just said that you wanted to meet your sweetheart", I winked at her.
"You guys not sleep here tonight, I guess", eomma making a sad face.
"We will later. I've got a lot of work to be done and Y/N will have her practice tomorrow morning", I said to eomma.

After eating, we excuses ourselves and getting in the car going back to my dorm.
It was a silent until I started to speak. "I'll be getting late. Just sleep in my room then. I'll send you to your dorm tomorrow morning", and she just nodded.
As I opened the door, DoYoung run toward us and hugged Y/N. "I miss you Y/N-ya. It's been a while since we've met", she pushed him away then. "I miss you too my cutie bunny but you don't have to hugged me tightly", she rolled her eyes and smiled after that.

She just sitting around the boys watching TV and I gone to my room to get changed before going out of the dorm going to the studio.


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