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"Johnny Oppa, I'm tired. I wanna rest a bit, can I??. But, where's Taeyong Oppa?". You look him startled a bit when you suddenly asked me about Taeyong. "Something happen at his parents home so he asked me to take care of you". He said to you. "You want to eat something before going bed?. I'll cook for you".

"No thanks, you could burn the whole house", You shaking your head and chuckle before going back to the room. It's not like you said that for real, you just don't have any appetite.

Just before you're gone to sleep, you've check the email and found that you're past the first level and asked if you can come to their agency. You didn't take a long time to call them as they leave their number in it.
You started to dialled the number.

"Hello, is this KQ ENT?", I asked.

"Yes it is. What can I help you?". The person asked you back.

"I've got an email two days ago and your company asked me to come to the agency. And can I know what's date I'll be there?".

"It suppose to be tomorrow but since you're not in Korea, you can come next week if you can".

"Actually I'm in Korea". You're being so nervous as you said it.

"It sets then. You can come before 5.00pm.Make sure you bring the attachment that we sent to your email". She said in a sweet tone.

"Okay, I'll be there right on time. Thank you for informing me." You could never believe that you're going to be an idol.

You let yourself drifted to sleep.

It's been 10.00AM and you need to get ready for the second audition. You searching a proper outfit to wear.

 You searching a proper outfit to wear

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You done fixing yourself. "Y/N, eodiga?", Jaehyun asked you and you said you have an audition.
"I'll drive you there", manager-nim who was here with the kids volunteer to send you.
"I'll go with you too", Jaehyun said follow you and manager-nim to the car.

You just listened to a song in your phone because you were super nervous.
You look up and see that Jaehyun keep staring at you. "You're nervous aren't you?. Don't worry about the outcome just enjoy it instead. And trust me you'll be fine".
"Gomawo, Jaehyun-a". You give him one of your earphone and listened to a song so you guys won't be akward.

"We're here. Good luck Y/N-ya. I know you can do it". Manager-nim said before stopping the car. Before you get off, Jaehyun take your phone and dialled his number on yours and called his number.
"You can call me if you're done I'll pick you up". You just nodded.

As you entered the building, you feel like all eyes on you.
You gone to reception desk and give all your information to her.
You sit beside a cute girl waiting for your turn and she suddenly greeted you. "Annyeong", I'm Kim HaNa. Nice to meet you. You're super beautiful. I hope we can be friend".
"I'm Huang Y/N from Malaysia. Nice to meet you too. Of course we can". You said back.
"From what??. You came all the way here. I guess you came alone right?. You're so brave". she said smile to you.
You and her talk for a while until someone getting out from the room.

"Candidate Kim HaNa, This room please". The man in suit called her name.
"Huang Y/N, it's you turn you'll go to that room. The man said which made my heart going to explode anytime soon.

'You can do it Y/N'

You coming in and introduce yourself to thr judges before they asked you to freestyle dance and sing.
You'd did as they asked and remember to what Jaehyun said to you earlier.
After you done, they asked you a couple questions.

"It say here you're from Malaysia, right?. Did you stay in hotel or what?". The judges asked you.
"Yeah, I'm from Malaysia and I'm staying with my friend for a while".

"Did you think your dance and sing can make you being choosen by us?", One of the judges asked.
"Of course I'm very confident to be choosen by you but I remembered someone said to me that instead worrying about the outcome, just enjoy yourself first. If you really got a passion to do something you like you've got to pursue that till the end".

"I would like to see if you can acted too". The judges asked you out of sudden.
"It was so sudden but I'm fine with that. You can give me a role then". You then acted like they asked and hear a clap after that.

'I guess I'd do well today'. You talk to your inner self.

"Okay, that's all, we'll contact you later if you're choosen. Thak you for coming". The judges said before I walking out of the room.
At the same time I saw Kim HaNa out of the room.
"HaNa-a, how it's going?". You asked her seeing her still nervous.
"I don't think I'll passed". She look likes tearing up.
Should we get ourselves a drink then?. I'm still new here and I would like you to be my guide, can you?". You said as if HaNa were the butler. Just then she nodded and smile again.
You phone suddenly ringing and you picked up.
"Hello?. Who's speaking?". I talked first. "It's Jaehyun. Are you done yet", He asked you.
"Oh, Jaehyun-a I'm done but I'm going to a cafe with my friend for a while".

"Then we'll joining you", The other person speak loudly which you already know who it is.

"HaNa-a, you don't mind if my friend join us?". I asked her just in case she wouldn't like it but she just nodded her head saying it's fine.

"Shut up you bunny. It's too loud. Okay we'll text you later the place adress". I said with an annoyance face on you.
"Then you can order Esspresso for me and Caramel Machiato for Do Young, my baby girl". Jaehyun said to you sweetly making you blushing.
You off the call before he said more and more sweet word to you.

You've reach the cafe and take a place away from the public view.
A waiter came to take an order.
"What do you want to?", I asked her. "I want Caramel Latte with whipped cream on top. A chocolate cake too". She said to the waiter.
"Then give me iced Americano, Esspresso
and Caramel Machiato". You said to the waiter .

"Who will picked you up later?", You asked her.

"My brother", she said to you making you envious of her a little.
You feel like someone hugging you from the back. And it was Do Young and Jaehyun siled towards you.
"I miss you already", he sit in front of HaNa and Jaehyun sit in front of you.
The alarm then buzzed and Jaehyun stand up to paid for it.
"I didn't know you were such a gentleman". You smiled.
"Of course I am. It's you who didn't asked, he smirked and you rolled your eyes.

"HaNa-a, meet my other friends, Jaehyun and Do Young. You introduce them and see HaNa eyes gone bigger.
"Do Young, I'm your fans. I couldn't believe that I see them myself". She said happily.
"And Y/N, why don't you tell me sooner that it was them. I could fix myself a little at least". She pouted which you and other found it's cute.
"You're cute", Do Young suddenly praised her and made her blushing. You're see him in disbelief. "What?", he asked you as you rolled your eyes.
"You never praised me like that".
"It's because you're ugly of course", he said to you which made Jaehyun hit his head. "You're the one who blind. She's beautiful and that's why there's a lot man eyeing on her just a while". Jaehyun said in jealous tone.

You and others talking for a while. "Guys, my brother's here. I'll see you later, Y/N. Bye. And Jaehyun, thanks for the drinks.". She said hugging you before she get on the car.

"I think it's already late. We should go home now." Jaehyun suggested you guys to head back to the dorm.

You, Jaehyun and Do Young walking to the dorm and somehow my heart telling me not to go inside but my body say otherwise.
You opened the door and see no one until you heard something in Taeyong's room...

"Johnny, how can I say to Y/N that she's my lost sister?"

"My mom hates her very much and I don't have any solution for that."

"Should I leave her for the sake of my mom?", and it was the last thing you heard before you run out of the dorm.

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