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"A real family??"

"What do you mean by that?". Taeyong asked her with his scared face.

"I overheard my mom and my grandma conversation that I'm just an adopted child. Not her real daughter. I'm shocked and made me wanting her spill all the truth but I couldn't when I see her crying".
"It just break my heart to see that". She started to cry and we just froze there didn't know what to say.

I patted her back as she slowly talk again.

"The only person who know the truth is my grandpa. That's why I'm here right now because the only thing he said was the rest of my real family was in Korea. My real mother was dead when give a birth to me". She looked down but she didn't look at Taeyong who start to tearing up.

"What will you do if you found them?", I asked her and made Taeyong look at her waiting for the answer.
"Mollayo... I'm scared they will hate me or even worse I'll be hating them".
I want to know but at the same time I'm scared". She said again.

I give Taeyong 'why don't you tell her' look but he just shaking his head scared that he will hate him even more.

Suddenly he stand up and leave Y/N and me dumbfounded.

I sighed remember what's happen just now.

'Taeyong must be devastated right now'.

'It must be hard for Y/N when she found the truth'.

'If I were her I won't dare to find the truth. I guess she's more brave than myself'.

Just then I've got a new message from Taeyong...

Tyongie Leader-nim
I'm going to my parents house for a while.

Taeyongie Leader-nim
Can you take care of her for a while for me??

Taeyongie Leader-nim
I'm sorry for my behavior back then

Okay, I'll tell her that
(seen : 11.00am)

She's uri dongsaeng too. Don't worry I'll look over her.
(sent : 11.00am)

Why don't you tell her the truth?
(sent : 11.30am)

It's almost noon and Y/N still sleeping on my lap after crying. It must be hard for you, Y/N-ya". I said slowly to her and she wake up after that saying that she wanna go home. We head back to the dorm and she's being silent all the to the dorm.

"Johnny Oppa, I'm tired. I wanna rest a bit, can I??. But, where's Taeyong Oppa?". I'm startled a bit when she suddenly asked me about Taeyong. "Something happen at his parents home so he asked me to take care of you". I lied to her. "You want to eat something before going bed?. I'll cook for you".

"No thanks, you could burn the whole house", she shaking her head and chuckle before going back to the room.

As I go to the room to make sure she is fine and heard, Y/N was talking to someone, "Okay, I'll be there right on time. Thank you for informing me."


My whole body were trembling when I remember what's happened just now.

'I need to talk to Dad'.

Found You (NCT LEE TAEYONG FANFIC x READER) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now