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"Who's this?", I asked the man on the phone. "She's still sleeping. I'll let her know that you're called when she's wake up". The man being quiet for a while.
"Who are you? And why would you picked her phone up?", He asked.

"I'm her brother". I said to him but his answer shocked me the most. "But I'm her brother".

"How could you're her brother when she's the only child in her family?", I asked him before hanging up the call.
'He must be a scammer'. I thought to myself.


I walked out from the dorm wanting to take a walked for a while. My mind being such a mess right now.

'Mom will be depressed like before if I'll bring Y/N home'

'I couldn't leave Y/N and pretend like I don't know her'

'I can't hide it forever. Sooner or later, she'll find out the truth'.

"I should tell her everything before it got worse". I'm walking myself to the dorm and  talked to her.

As I walk into the dorm, I saw Jaehyun and Do Young in the living room playing game. "When did you guys come home?. Y/N?", I asked them.
I thought that you're talked to her at room, aren't you?", I'm running to the room and didn't found her.
"Y/N's missing", I started to panic but Johnny advices me not to be panic first. "Try to call her first. Maybe she's take a walk for a while".

I called her almost ten time but she's not picking up her phone. Others trying to call and even message her.

Where are you?
(Sent : 11.00pm)

You're coming home with Jaehyun and DoYoung. But you're not here.
(Sent : 11.01pm)

Come back home now I need to talk to you.
(Sent : 11.05pm)

I tried to call her a couple time again but this time her phone were really off.

Why would you off the phone?
(Sent : 11.50pm)

I'm promised to you I'll never scold you this time.
(Sent : 11.51pm)

"She can't be reach, nan otteoke?. Something might be happen to her", I worried about her and starting to tear up.
(Nan Otteoke= what should I do)

They trying to reached her too but there's no answer.

It's been a midnight already. Where are you??
(Sent : 00.00am)

I'm calling a police if you didn't picked up your phone.
(Sent : 00.01am)

"I'm calling a police and report about her. She might be in danger for real". I said to them.
"We can't made a report because it wasn't 24 hours yet", Do Young said to me and patted my back.

"If something bad really happen to her, I couldn't forgive myself then. What I should said to her parents?", I keep crying.
"I remember something", Jaehyun said making all of them looking at him. "She might be at her friend's house. What's her name then??..". "Kim HaNa", Do Young shouted as he know something.
"You don't have to worry. She might at her friend's house. And maybe her batteries phone died and didn't have time to recharged. Just think positive". Ten said to me.
"Ten hyung were right hyung, well call her tomorrow. Okay",Haechan said after that.
"She's might be sleeping by right now and I bet you wouldn't dare to wake her up.", Mark said to me.
"Arasso. But she's better be fine or all of you will be done especially you Jaehyun and Do Young", I'm warning them.

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