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"Y/N. Hanbin nugu??". It was Taeyong first word when you open the door. At first you thought he'll be mad when you give his phone number to Kim Hanbin, but he was fine with it.
You give the boys a drink as they asked and keep practicing after rest a little bit.


"Y/N-ya...Wake up. We're going home, you can sleep in car instead", Taeyong slowly shaking you up softly
You and other kids gets in the car but you can't sleep after that.
"Oppa, can I use your phone until I'd get my own money to buy a new one?". You asked him for a help but... "Arasso. Whatever you want princess". He said while patting you. head. "Why don't you sleep?. I'll wake you up when we're arrived".
"I can't sleep. I think you should sleep instead, I'll be the one that will wake you up when we're arrived". Taeyong then fall asleep on your shoulder and you put an earphones, listening to a random song.
While others?
They just drift themselves to sleep since they've too tired practicing all day.

"Taeyong Oppa, wake up. We've arrived". You wake him up and he asked you to wake ohters up. All of them walking like a bunch zombie.

When they arrived at the dorm, Taeyong, Haechan, Mark and Yuta just throw themselves on the sofa and sleep while others had been to their room to get some sleep.
I'd managed to get Haechan and Mark ordering them to sleeep in their room.
"Yuta-ya, wake up and go sleep in you room". Taeil help you waking Yuta up and asked him to sleep in his room before going to bed.
You shaking him up and said,"Taeyong Oppa, wake up. You need to sleep in your room".
He opened his eyes and saw you. "You can have my bed instead. I'll just sleep on sofa".
"Aniya, you're the one who should sleep there. You've must been exhausted today and I'm not gonna let you sleep here today". You replied him back.
"Arasso. I'll sleep in my room then. You're such a stubborn lady". He said rolling his eyes and going to his room.

You feel sticky enough and decided to washed youself and changed to a sweatpants and cropped top hoodie before sitting on the sofa as you can't sleep at all.

You feel sticky enough and decided to washed youself and changed to a sweatpants and cropped top hoodie before sitting on the sofa as you can't sleep at all

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You're alone at living room watching some news at television even you're not understand some word. Suddenly you saw a phone buzzing at the table infront of you. It was Taeyong phone. You took it as you thought that there's some important message for him but you just completely in shocked when you see the message in notification.

It was Kim Hanbin.

Hi, Y/N this is Kim Hanbin.

I'd called you earlier but your brother picked up.

It's the man you talk to earlier at convenient store. (01:01am)

I thought we can meet again.

Hi back to you, Kim Hanbin and I'm sorry about that. I didn't know you could message me.

Of course we can meet again chingu-ya.

"You're not sleeping yet?", Ten walking and sit beside you. "Was that Tyong hyung phone?. You must be special to him since he's allowed you to do anything and not even mad when you made a mess in his room". He said to you made you question yourself. "Maybe he just being nice to me since I'm the only girl traveling here all along". "Maybe yes or maybe not". He said while his eyes fixed on the television screen.

You suddenly feel sleepy and slowly drifting to a Dreamland.


"Princess stop running or you'll fall", the boy keep running after a little girl who's running around the garden.

"Mommy, daddy big hug", the little girl suddenly fall and crying for out loud. "Did you hurt?. I told you not to run right?. Haish". The boy help her stand up and walking towards their parents.

They approached the kids with their worried look and said, "My little Princess, you should listen to your brother so that you're not getting hurt again, okay?".

"Kids, we've got a present to you guys". The boy parents taking out something shiny...


Everything went black and all was heard,

A loud crash.

Crying sound.

It was an early morning and Ten who's sleeping next to Y/N wake up when he see Y/N struggling in her sleep. He wake her up when he saw she's crying in her sleep. She wake up and mumbling something to herself.

'She must had a nightmare'. Ten said to his inner self and get up to get ready for the day.

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