Seven - Hidden Mask

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"Layla, calm down for me alright

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"Layla, calm down for me alright." Taehyung said, pressing a stack of gauze against a gash on her head, "My team will get you out as soon as they can. Take a deep..... breath for me and hold it for four seconds and slowly let it go~"

Jeongguk surveyed the scene before him, wincing at the damage. The vehicle wagon's hood had been damaged severely, crunched into the passenger area.

He had heard on the radio that the female driver was stuck in her Sedan's and they were having difficulty extracting her. While the driver of the long trailer was still trapped in it. He walked up to the unit commander, standing next to him as he given out orders.

"Sir, where do you want me?" Jeongguk asked.

"Yoongi and his team working out on the trailer. You, Gguk, you help that unpredictable medic." His unit commander said.


When the unit commander pointed to the nearly destroyed vehicle, Jeongguk caught a glimpse of the perm brown haired and slim body.

He hadn't seen Taehyung since that night where the other had shoved him out from the car, halfway of given him a ride home. But, the man had crossed his mind frequently since then.

He jogged to the scene and looked over at the trailer and saw Yoongi's team pulling the male driver out, placing a sheet over the man after easing the body onto the asphalt. When he heard terrified shrieking, he picked up the pace and run to the vehicle.

"My husband is in t- the intensive unit! He's- I need to go... I need to go see him now!" She yelled, as in frantic shock.

"I know, sweetie, but you can't right now. I have to make you better before you can go." Taehyung said, holding Layla's hand and running a gloved thumb over her bloodied skin, "Look at me, Layla, take a deep breath."

"How is she?" Jeongguk asked as the woman did as Taehyung asked.

"Compound fracture, (an injury in which a broken bone pierces the skin), possible internal bleeding and she got her foot stuck." Taehyung relayed, "We need to get her out fast, but you idiots are taking your time."

Not wanting to get into an argument in front of the driver, Jeongguk hold off his temper and started the rescue work. He situated himself with a large pair of snippers and cutting away chunks of the firewall.

"Her foot is stuck and her femoral artery could be pierced if we jostle her that much. I need you to be careful when you pulled her out later."

It was then he noticed Taehyung was pale and shaky, his skin taking on an almost grey pallor. Then he thought of Taehyung's predicament and current condition when it finally hit him.

That incident is bothering him. He's remembering!

Taehyung stepped out carefully when two fire rescue specialist approached with a large saw. He watched as Jeongguk did the works and when the blade spun to life, it shrieked loudly when it pressed against the door and other metals. Bits of fiberglass flew in the air and he could hear the screams of the driver over the saw.

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