3rd book!
Firemen Jeon and Paramedic Kim knew their jobscope as First Responders officers are highly risk, which could put both at deadly situation.
Will they be able to overcome t...
His heart hammered in his chest wildly as he sprinted back into the room, frantically double checking the monitors and wires, praying it was just some sort of mechanical error, but they were still attached!
Taehyung's heart had stopped.
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He could barely hear the alarm still blaring over the deafening pounding of his own heart. With shaky hands he lunged for the emergency button, slamming it down and immediately removing away the white blankets covering on Taehyung's and starting chest compressions.
No, no, no! This can't be happening, please!
His movements became desperate when Taehyung's body remained unresponsive. Despite his shaking arms, he continued the chest compressions, tears now streaming down his face and blurring his vision.
But he wouldn't give up - he couldn't . This couldn't be real. Was this one of his dreams? It had to be, right?! He prayed with everything he had that it was. That this was just some sick joke.
But this wasn't a fucking dream - Taehyung was actually dying in his presence! Shaking his thoughts away, he continued CPR on Taehyung's cold, cold chest, having no intention of stopping.
"Breath, baby, breath!" Jeongguk murmured under his breath.
🚒 Are you feeling déjà vu about this? Remember the part Taehyung did CPR on Jeongguk? This time it's Jeongguk's turn.
"Come on, dammit!" Taehyung yelled, climbing onto the gurney, now on top of Jeongguk, continuing with the chest compressions. "I'm not losing you like this! Please!"
"Gguk, listen to me. I know you can hear me." Taehyung said quietly, "Wake up, you're not allowed to die on me. I need you, Jeongguk, I want you!" 🚒
Then he heard shouting and he felt strong arms pull him back, away from Taehyung. He fought whoever it was. "Gguk! Please, it's okay, let them help! Let doctor Eunice and her team do the job-"
All the medical training that Jeongguk had been required to trained ran through his mind. They taught him that 'you had to stay calm' in these types of situations. But how the hell was he supposed to stay calm when obviously the person who taught him, which is Paramedic Kim Taehyung, is dying!
Through the haze of his own panic and tears, he finally stepped back and he felt himself sink onto the floor, using his shaking hands and knees to support himself.