Fourteen - Awake

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"Come on, dammit!" he yelled, climbing onto the gurney, now on top of Jeongguk, continuing with the chest compressions. "I'm not losing you like this! Please!"

The remainder of the drive to the hospital seemed to take forever. Taehyung didn't notice when the ambulance halted abruptly and the doors flew open, only looking up when he felt the stretcher move.

He continued resuscitation efforts on top of Jeongguk's lifeless body while his colleague
Ji Sung and ER nurses raced them into the emergency room and informed them of Jeongguk's condition and vitals.

Focusing on his face, Taehyung tried to memorize the firefighter features: strong jaw, gorgeous lips, smooth tan skin, perfect nose and not realizing he cried out until several lifesavers in the emergency room looked at him. Taehyung leaned over and whispered into Jeongguk's ear.

"Gguk, listen to me. I know you can hear me." he said quietly, "Wake up, you're not allowed to die on me. I need you, Jeongguk, I want you!"

"Come on, Taehyung." Ji Sung said as he helped him off the gurney. "Let them take over."
Taehyung nodded and climbed off the gurney, feeling numb as he followed Ji Sung into the hallway area. He hadn't felt this disconnected since his grandfather was buried and it startled him.

It wasn't like losing a patient on his watch. This was much worse. When he figured it out, Taehyung covered his face as he slid down the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please.. don't leave me..." Taehyung whispered before sobs consumed him.

A soft warmth hands on his shoulder. Jimin actually came to his side and as he gently grabbed Taehyung's elbow and lifted him to his feet. Almost immediately, Taehyung knees buckled and almost brought Jimin down with him. "Easy Tae-ah, take it easy." Jimin said gruffly, holding Taehyung underneath the armpits.

"Ji- Jiminie?..

"Yes, Taebear?" Jimin watches his best friend condition and he was feeling so weak, witnessing Taehyung's own pain and despair. Because the last time he saw Taehyung cried so hard when his grandfather gets the burial done.

"I- I think I'm g- gonna be sick.." Taehyung said as he couldn't help the rapid increase in his heartbeat. The edges of his vision were tunneling and he was on the verge of passing out, not to mention he felt breathless. The next seconds, Taehyung passes out and falls to the cold floor.

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Thunder rumbled overhead and a steady rain fell on the caskets in front of him. The families of the fallen firemen had decided upon a joint ceremony so the community could grieve as one. The mayor had declared, day one of mourning and the attendees turnout was astronomical which the families and department appreciated, but everyone's hearts ached.

Taehyung wasn't paying attention to the words spoken by the Minister and Chief's of Commanders. He instead choose to stare at the steel grey caskets. The deaths hurt him as well. It was always difficult to lose people, but it made it worse when it was part of his rescue family.

The mood within the paramedic brigade was somber. Many shared a story as they remembered them fondly. When a memory of Jeongguk was mentioned, Taehyung quickly excused himself and retreated to the bathroom, locking the door before breaking into tears. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he missed the firemen terribly.

Breaking from his trance when people walked past him, Taehyung looked around and scanned the crowds for the families of the deceased. He made his way towards them, giving them his condolences and leaving the cemetery.

He had actually taken the vacation leave he had accumulated over the past extra duties he has performed. That means, it will be extending his long day off once his one month suspension ends. While walking to his car, dread fell over him as he thought about going for trips, somewhere.

Perhaps, back to his hometown which he never wanted to return. But he felt like going there and knew there was no place he'd rather be. Reaching his vehicle, he sighed in resignation and decided to drove home to pack up the necessary items he needed for the trip in upcoming months.

His initial reaction started to panicking him when he felt excruciating pain all over his body.
He tried to breathe, but suffocation consumed him.

His eyes flew open and his vision was blurry but when he heard a familiar voice in the distance, he turned his head toward the sound.

"Calm down, Jeongguk. Let the respirator do its job. Relax."

The fogginess faded and he focused on his Lieutenant, Sejin. Memories of the fire came back to him, and he remembered being blasted with heat and flames.

Intense panic gripped him as he recalled the flames racing up his protective gear and the screams tearing from him, falling to the floor convinced he was going to die.

Waking up and realizing he was still among the living was a relief, comforted by the thought of his family weren't burdened with the task of burying their youngest child.

"Jeongguk-ah," Sejin said, glancing up at the beeping monitors. "I need you to calm down.  It's going to be okay. You're going to be alright now."

Jeongguk kept blinking his eyes, wishing his boss could hear his silent questions. Where was he? How long had he been out? What happened to Joshua and Eunwoo?

He raised his arms to gesture for the mini iPad as he'd seen other burn victims do, the only way he could communicate. But when he saw the marred flesh on his hands, tears filled his eyes and his chest heaved as fear consumed him.

He didn't realize anyone else was in the room until he felt a hand touch his hands gently. He looked down and saw a slender hand covered with a glove, gaze trailing up the slim arm until falling on the face he never expected to see.

That unpredictable paramedic, Taehyung.

That unpredictable paramedic, Taehyung

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Firemen Jeon and Paramedic Kim | vk✓Where stories live. Discover now