Thirty Six - How long could I hold on?

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"Tae... I'm so, so sorry. You gotta pull through, okay? I need you, don't leave me, I.. don't know what I'll do without you,"

He spoke weakly and stroked Taehyung's knuckles with his thumb. "All that stuff I said before... I wanted to apologise to you, so please wake up soon.." But the only sound that came was the rhythmic beep beep monitor that went at steady pace. For now. ~

After a few long moments of grief, Namjoon and Seokjin finally arrived along with the female neurosurgeon, doctor Eunice, she's in-charge of Taehyung case. Jeongguk then tried to catch his breath and recollect himself again. He felt so tired.

Even long hours shifts at the hospital was nothing in comparison to the deep tiredness that he felt in his chest now. A minute of deep breathing later, he finally managed to speak, albeit it only just above a whisper.

"...P- please someone, please tell me Taehyung will be okay right? Please.." Jeongguk pleaded wetly. Tear filled his eyes when he turned to face them. NamJin had been silent the entire time; Even the doctor.

Namjoon and Seokjin felt their own throat tighten. Watching Taehyung and Jeongguk like this hurt so much. Doctor Eunice wished she could do more, do something to alleviate their pain, but there wasn't - she had already done all that she could.

"Mr Jeon, you know... you know as well as I do that-" She had to take a deep breath to steady her own voice,  "...That the chances of Mr Kim making a full recovery are low. His head injuries cause the brain to swell. If he did not wake up within twenty four hours, it means he has slipped into coma."

Jeongguk turned away from them, his gaze fixated on Taehyung's again. "I know. I know, but I was hoping that s- somehow.." His breath hitched, "That somehow, you would tell me something different."

Jeongguk finished defeatedly. The doctors words were painful to listen to. A part of him wanted to protest, but he knew there was nothing more he could do.

With a heavy heart, the three of them turned to leave the room and closed the door shut softly behind him. Muffled sobs were heard almost as soon as the door closed, and Jeongguk felt the control he had reigned in on his own emotions began to crumble.

Wiping a tired hand over his face, he willed his tears back, he leaned forward a little closer and ran his fingers through the male soft cheeks,

"Taehyung baby.. please don't sleep too long.. I wanted to apologise to you... You're not wrong at all, I know now.. So please don't leave me.. I- It's not fair. I'm so sorry, Tae baby.. This never should've happened. ."

He sighed in sadness. Pursing his lips, Jeongguk kissed his lover pale and cold lips.
Well, Life is never fair. Jeongguk couldn't manage to say anymore, but he knew that he had to be strong. For Taehyung.

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