3rd book!
Firemen Jeon and Paramedic Kim knew their jobscope as First Responders officers are highly risk, which could put both at deadly situation.
Will they be able to overcome t...
A/N: Okay, I got your feedback and you say Katie's appearance are too sudden and so the story is too draggy. ☹️ Now, here you go. Kat's screentime is only for a few episode... Please, hold on. 🙏
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Taehyung and Jeongguk were helping Seokjin with the cooking in the kitchen when Katie came. She sat on the dining counter high stool, swinging her legs like a five-year-old, but whatever. She watches them.
She isn't sure whether she should proceed with her plan, soon enough though, the words and the full extent of her meaning process in Jeongguk's brain.
"You want me to what?" Jeongguk shocked with what the female requested for.
"Come on, Gguk.. please? It'll only be awhile! I have no preparations done yet..." She whined, "I can't shop by myself so I need you. Need you to help me to get baby shampoo, lotion, powder, soft cloths towels, the temperature ducky, baby nail clippers, the snot grabber, onesies, pacifiers, poor baby.. and-"
She cuts herself off and sighs. "Basically, I will die by staying in and doing nothing in the room!"
Clearly Taehyung saw how majorly confused and irritated his boyfriend is. So he speak up before she could continue further. He has to do this for himself. "Kat.. I'm sorry, but this would have to be the worst idea in the history of the universe! Why can't you ask someone else?"
She rolls her eyes and doesn't acknowledge whatever Taehyung is saying. She sighs, exasperated, "Well, my baby already loves Gguk, plus, it'll be more believable since we're friends since Uni. I don't know who should I bring... and Gguk the only person who I honestly think I could get through this with." She said and giving him her best innocent face.
Taehyung steeled himself. He took a deep breath, "Maybe, I should go with you instead. Right after lunch." Kat can't say no, so she accepted happily. Just nice. If all goes well according to my plan, today will be your last day of being together. Jeongguk will be mine soon. Just you wait, Tae.
Seokjin put down his potato peeler and sighed softly. He knew Taehyung is kind but he couldn't help to feel something's not right with Kat's behavior. Mother's instinct? He shrugged it off though, perhaps it's the pregnancy hormones Kat has been experiencing.
Time skip to the mall, shop for baby items ~
"I really don't understand why am I here with you." Kat told Taehyung as they walked side by side and brushing a hand over her significantly rounded abdomen.
"Why? Aren't you excited to buy stuff for the baby?" Taehyung asked as his eyes glanced around the 'Kiddy Palace' shop, he squeals silently when he grab the onsesies package set of strawberries with a word written in a fancy font, "Daddy's Sugar Pie" right above a picture of a strawberry. --- He smiled, knowing that in future plans, he and Jeongguk's adopted babies will be boy and a girl.
"Yes, I am, but there are other things that I should be doing right now." Kat bit her lips.
"Umm,like what??" Taehyung asked.
"Cuddles.. with Jeongguk." She simply said emotionless but her smile quirked a little higher at that.
"You. Are. Strange." Taehyung said and put the package back on the shelf and turn to went the other side of department.
Breathing in deeply, she followed up and called for the male, "Taehyung!" Which he hummed in response. --- She sighed and walk closer and leaned into Taehyung's face and smirked ever so slightly, "I have something to tell you...."
"Okay. IneedyoutoleaveJeonggukalonebecausethebabyandIneedhim." She spoke in one breath fast but not clear enough.
"What?!" There was a short pause, "Can you repeat that again?" He blinked worriedly and there was this feeling in his gut that he couldn't explain. The only other time he'd felt this eerie feeling was the day that he knew Jeongguk was trap in the backdraft/flashover.
"I SAID I NEED YOU TO LEAVE JEONGGUK ALONE BECAUSE THE BABY AND I NEED HIM!" Kat practically yelled out, this time she said loud and clear, and inviting the people in the crowd to stop and witness the interesting arguments. A couple of bystanders already hold onto their mobile phones to record the situation.
Emotions and tensions are running high at this point, so it is important to give it a bit of time so that things can calm down. Eventually Taehyung will need to rethink about his relationship with Jeongguk but he will give his boyfriend the chance to hit the reset button first.
Taehyung turned to leave the mall quickly, not desiring to embarrassed himself, Kat following him from behind. However, Kat managed to caught up to the male, she grabbed him by the back of his shirt just inches before Taehyung able to step onto the escalator. "Things will be good between us if you're not existed!"
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Taehyung shouted back and pushed her away but not too roughly, considering that the female is preggy.
"I'm the one who has the right to be mad here-" he stopped his ranting and continued, "Look, you were the one who push him away! So you have no right to claim him back and using your baby as an excuses!" Taehyung pointed out that as a matter of fact.
Kat gritted her teeth. "Hey, all I'm asking is for you to leave him! Jeongguk is not gay and he's just using you as a rebound!" Once again Kat grabbed him by the shoulder.
"And I'll I'm saying is one word. NO!!" Taehyung had enough to tried to talk sense into her, but she just wouldn't listen. He shoved her hands away and turned again to the escalator. But sudden shock and fear spread through him when he felt a hand push him forward resulting him to lost his balance.
Panic and adrenaline surged through his veins as he's unable to break his fall, he tried to gripped onto anything that he can grab as if holding on for dear life. He felt that he managed to grab into something, like rubbers when it's actually a leather sling bag.
So.. he pulled it harshly hoping it would save his body from going downwards.
Is it Taehyung's fault? Because the entire process only takes a mere seconds to make him felt helpless. Suddenly they're both rolled down the escalator steps. When he landed at the bottom he hears distant yelling, and as he tried to get up, he felt hella pain on his back bone, well.. it slightly broke due to impact on the tile floor.
He moved his eyes to the left and the state he saw her in, was not very good. "Kat.." His voice hoarse, and bystanders rushed to the two fallen victim. They were shouting for ambulances and asked him of his condition which he's unable to focus.
He saw blood matted her black hair and the side of her face, he panicked when he saw her lower dress stained with pool of bloods.
"Please be okay," he whispered to every God's to save the innocent baby. "Let the baby be okay..." and then darkness took over him.
The arguments ends with a fall that was planned from the moment Kat saw how obsessed Jeongguk is towards the male. But, falling together with Taehyung, is it a plan or it's an unfortunate accident?
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