Thirty Five - It hurts so bad

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"Yah! You're finally awake!" Yoongi said, relief clear in his voice as he stand next to Jimin

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"Yah! You're finally awake!" Yoongi said, relief clear in his voice as he stand next to Jimin.

He nodded, feeling guilty that he had worried his friends like this. But at that moment, he couldn't wait, he needed to know what happened? What happened after he blacked out?

"We will tell you everything. But right now, the doctor told us to test your memory first once you're awake. Umm, do you even remember your name? Who are you? Tell us..."

Jimin said with raspy voice. His hands are clutching with Yoongi's. Clearly they both looks numb with shock and pain, filled with fear and sadness.



He visibly tensed up at Jimin's question, but he's being obedient though so he tells his name, "I'm Jeongguk. Jeon Jeongguk. H-How long have I been here?"

The happy and relieved expression both had on Jimin's and Yoongi's face fell. Yoongi quickly replied, not wanting his buddy to overthink further, "Three days. Doctors removed some of the debris that was lodged into your skin and given you antibiotics. So far, you are doing pretty well. You should recover in no time at all, man.

"Oh, yeah? So, I'm fine then. But where's Taehyung?"

"He- he's safe. He's in another room down the hall." Jimin replied, his voice strained.

Clearly Jimin was trying to hide Taehyung's condition from Jeongguk. Of course, he deserved to know, but just the thought of seeing his friend reaction - especially right after going through such a traumatic experience recently and almost losing his life - was too much for him to bare.

Jeongguk sighed in relief at Jimin's initial words. Taehyung is safe. He's safe. I rescued him.

But then he realized that Jimin and Yoongi looked away as if refused to meet his own, and that they both didn't care to elaborate on Taehyung's condition, and that made his short lived relief begin to grow into worry again.

His brows furrowed, his mouth felt dry. He was almost afraid to ask, but he needed to know. "Jimin.. you said Taehyung is safe, and that he's in another room. But there's something that you aren't telling me.. Yoongi, what is it?" His voice just barely above a whisper, threatening to break.

He could feel his heart thumping faster in his chest, anxiety filling his gut. That's it! The two lovebirds seemed reluctant to answer him. He needed to go see Taehyung. Getting up from the bed shakily, he began removing all the equipment attached to him ignoring the couple protests.

Once everything was removed, Jeongguk swung his legs over the bed to get up, only to be stopped by Yoongi firm hand on his chest pushing him back down.

"Gguk, please, you aren't well enough to move around yet, I know you're worried about Taehyung but-"

"Yoongi, if you won't tell me what happened and how he's doing... th-then I'll just have to go see him myself!" Jeongguk argued.

"Jeongguk, listen we will tell you-" Jimin finally said it.

The strong and panic firemen swallowed and nodded before focusing all his energy on calming down himself. Yoongi cleared his throat, "Taehyung, he had gotten a severe concussion. He flat-lined once on operating table, but-"

Jeongguk's forehead creased in fear, "But, when that concrete fell on us, he's not bleeding at all? H- how?"

"Umm, when Lieutenant Sejin and Yoongi found you two, you're bruising and blood all over you, Jeongguk. Your visible injuries is seen clearly. But for Taetae.. he actually has internal bleeding... due to the fallen structure, it prolly hit his head unfortunately.." Jimin finished it.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Jeongguk finally turned to Yoongi with pleading violet eyes. He needed to see Taehyung.

"I want to see him." Jeongguk moved about again and Jimin immediately left to bring in the wheelchair just outside the room. Jeongguk slid into the seat and let Jimin wheel him down the hall.

By the time they reached the room, Jeongguk was on the verge of jumping out of the chair. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm his own spiralling thoughts as he was brought up to Taehyung's bedside, located in the corner of the room.

God, the delicate male looked so pale.

Nothing could have prepared Jeongguk for what he saw. Taehyung was laid on the hospital bed, covered in bandages. A breathing ventilator on him while his lungs are healing due to smoke inhalation.

A heart monitor sensor attaches to Taehyung's chest to track his heart rate...

A pulse oximeter clips to the end of his finger to measures how much oxygen is in his blood...

An inflatable cuff on his leg to takes blood pressure readings. It sends the data to a blood pressure monitor...

An intravenous (IV) site on both his wrists. One is to deliver fluids or medicines. Another IV used to take samples of blood for testing...

Looking so small and fragile, resting in the too large hospital bed. --- Too quiet and Jeongguk hated it. The sting of his tears already spilled. A shaky hand covered his mouth as he bit back a choked sob, the image of Taehyung in such a state was too much for him to handle.

He was almost afraid to touch him, afraid Taehyung would break or disappear. Biting his lips, with a shaking hand, he grasped Taehyung's delicate and smooth like baby skin yet cold, and limp hand onto his own.

His gaze moved from Taehyung's hand up to the sleeping male face. He felt his chest was going to burst, so overwhelmed with emotion. It hurt. It hurts so, so bad as he recalled the words that Taehyung say to him.

"G- guk, thank you for.. rescuing me... I- I'm sorry if I'm n- not good enough f-- for you.... I love... you too-"

Taehyung had become such a constant in Jeongguk's life, without him even noticing, and now, the thought of losing Taehyung, losing everything that they had together was unbearable.

In his trembling form, he gripped Taehyung's hand tighter in his own. Almost as if holding on to the other's hand would somehow keep Taehyung there.

Of course, Taehyung had given him so much; Support, laughter, friendship, and... Everlasting love.

"Tae... I'm so, so sorry. You gotta pull through, okay? I need you, don't leave me, I.. don't know what I'll do without you,"

He spoke weakly and stroked Taehyung's knuckles with his thumb. "All that stuff I said before... I wanted to apologise to you, so please wake up soon.." But the only sound that came was the rhythmic beep beep monitor that went at steady pace. For now. ~


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