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(Warning attempted suicide and mentions of self harm and depression)
Life is actually terrible. Me and Anneka have been training non stop recently. I don't want to eat I don't deserve to eat. It is 1 o'clock and i have told Anneka to go and get something to eat. Luckily this gives me enough time to finish what i tried 5 years ago. I ran outside to the bridge behind elstree studios and sat on the edge waiting for the time to come.

I came back from my lunch break to an empty studio. Then it came to me that he has been off lately. In fact I haven't seen him eat for the past two weeks. This worried me so i ran (well hobbled) up to Neil and Alex's training room to tell Neil. I knocked on the door and walked in. "NEIL I NEED YOUR HELP AND THE OTHER PROS LIKE NOW." I shouted over the music. He ran over paused the music and then came over to me. "What's up Anneka."
"It's Kevin. I haven't seen him eat for the past two weeks and he has all of a sudden disappeared and he hasn't been himself lately.
"If this is a repeat of what happened 5 years ago then this is very serious." Replied a worried Neil."5 years ago Kevin tried to commit suicide but his wife well ex wife stopped him. She then got a divorce because she thought he was a nutter.
"Omg that is horrible.where will he be."
"Idk we will have to ask all the other pros to go on a search for him." Neil firstly went to go and get dianne and Karen as they have known him the longest.
"I know where he will be. Get the other pros NOW!"
"I know where he will be. Get the other pros NOW!" Anneka Alex and Neil all went to round up the other pros whilst i went round the back of elstree to the bridge and saw a distraught Kevin. i slowly approached him."Kevin what's wrong." He turned around in shock and replied with one simple word. Life. He was going to attempt what he tried 5 years ago. This was bad. Within 5 minutes all the other pros were cautiously awaiting a signal at both sides of the bridge. I signalled for them to text stacey as I knew she was at home this week. Neil gave a thumbs up and got out his phone. "Kevin don't do this what about stacey and your sister. What about your future. People care about you Kev. If you leave i think we can all take a good guess at what will happen to Stace.
I was on my way to Elstree studios to meet up with Kev as this was the rime they normally finished training. I was ok with him coming home late because as a former participant of the show i know how much training is put into this and what it takes to win as i did. All of a sudden i received a text from one of mine and kevs best friends and co strictly pro Neil. He told me that i needed to get to the studios ASAP or something could change my life forever. I then drove as fast as was allowed to the studios and arrived around 10 minutes after the text was sent. I arrived to see a worried Neil stood their waiting for me i presumed. I rushed over to him and all he said was,"Kevin, bridge." I had no idea what was going on but decided to run straight to the bridge. When i got there i saw something that i never thought i would see. The love of my life about to jump off the side of a bridge. He moved closer to the edge but before he could let go I shouted. "WAIT KEV. DONT DO THIS PLEASE." I cried.
"WAIT KEV. DONT DO THIS PLEASE." I turned round to see stacey there telling me not to do this. "You will be better without me stacey. You don't deserve to have me as a boyfriend. You deserve better. I am fat ugly worthless and useless. I love you." With that i turned back around but felt three pairs of strong arms wrap around my waist. I could see out of the corner of my eye Neil, Anton and alijaz holding me back. I tried to fight their grip and nearly managed to before Giovanni and Gorka also wrapped their arms around me and that was when I gave up. They were too strong.
We all pulled Kevin off of the edge a carried him like a baby inside. We took him straight through to the judges room as it was way  quieter and out of the way. stacey ran into the room whilst we put him down on one of the sofas. She ran and wrapped her arms around him sitting down next to him.
I ran and wrapped my arms around Kevin and sat next to him. He broke down into hysterics and this surprised me as i had never seen him cry before. The judged then came into the room  and were completely baffled by the sight they saw.
Me,Craig,Bruno and darcey had just come back from hair and makeup and were all excitedly chatting about who we though was going to win this series of strictly. When we walked into the judges room however we did not expect to see all the pros and former glitter ball winner Stacey Dooley gathered round a hysterical Kevin Clifton. we all loooked at each other clueless and then Neil stood up. He was red an puffy eyed and we could tell he had also been crying. We immediately knew that something bad had happened. "I think we need to clear up why i going on here." He said and we all nodded."So five years ago Kevin attempted suicide and was hospitalised for a few months. His wife then divorced and he was very upset. He then turned back to normal and was loving life but today when Anneka came back from her lunch break Kevin wasn't in the studio and it then hit her that she hadn't seen him eat for the past two weeks and he had been acting very strange that week. She then came and told me and i immediately knew what was happening. I told her what happened five years ago and her and Alex immediately rounded up the pros while i went and talked to Karen and dianne as they have known him the longest. Dianne then said she knew where he would be and of course she did. She took us to the bridge behind Elstree. we then saw Kevin sat on the edge of the bridge ready to umm jump."
"It's ok take your time." Craig said to him and he nodded took a deep breath and then carried on.
"We immediately text Stacey who was already on her way up to the studios to meet Kev. Anyway hen she got here Kev was already moving closer to the edge. She shouted for him to stop but his exact words were 'You will be better without me stacey. You don't deserve to have me as a boyfriend. You deserve better. I am fat ugly worthless and useless. I love you' he then went to jump but luckily Anton,me and alijaz were on standby and ready to grab him. However he nearly broke free so Giovanni and Gorka also had to help us drag him into here and now this is where we are." He sat back down and Gorka pulled him into a massive bro hug and he started to cry into his shoulder.
I was shocked by what i heard and Stacey was absolutely distraught. Dianne tried to take her outside to calm her down but she refused to leave his side again. I went and sat down on Kevins other side and put a friendly arm around him and rubbed his back. He has always come across so strong and controlled but this just proves that some people are good at hiding things. "Kevin what's going on up there?" I asked pointing to his head. He shrugged his shoulders and cried out,"I'm worthless,stupid,ugly and fat. Stacey deserves a better man. For fucks sake i cant even ride a bike or crack a fucking egg. I am a disgrace to human race."
I shouted out all the anger that had been building up in me for the past two weeks. I then broke down yet again into Staceys shoulder. Why was she so nice to me. Why wasn't she chasing all these models and getting somebody who would let her cry into their shoulder not the other way around. Everybody looked at me in shock at what i had just said. I didn't care though because the only person i was concentrating in at the minute was stacey. She was comforting me in every way possible. i think Craig and Neil saw me staring because they both said at the same time. "Do it Kev!" I knew what hey were talking about so i stood u pulled stacey up twirled her round and gave her a long kiss on the lips. "I love you." Was all i managed to spit out as i was too caught up in the moment. "Love you too." Were the words that came out of her mouth. Everyone around us oohed ashes and awwed but Anon interrupted and said,"Save it for the bedroom lovebirds we don't to see you make a baby." At this everyone laughed including myself and we were both laughing as well. Stacy really helped me today and I don't know how i will repay her but she is amazing and i was glad that i kissed her.  

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now