Double Date

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Kevins PoV
Today me and stacey were going on a double date with joe and dianne. I wore some jeans and a simple white button up but stacey was stressing. "Hey hey stacey baby calm down. You'll look perfect whatever you wear." She must not have heard me because she pulled out another dress.
Staceys PoV
I felt a pair of strong arms wrap round my waist. "You will look perfect no matter what you wear. You could wear a bin bag and I'd still love you." "Ok but what if they dont think that." "Their opinions dont matter." I picked a dress and went and got changed. "See you look gorgeous." "Not too bad yourself." He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house and drove to the restaurant we were meeting at. We pulled up outside a beautiful Italian restaurant. Joe and dianne were waiting at a booth in the corner and we went and sat with them. "Hiya stace." "Hiya lady di." "Hows everything going kev. Musicals and all." "Alright actually but not much time with stace eh baby?" I shook my head. He was right. We hadn't had a full two days together for ages. "Well only a couple more shows then we can do what we want." "Like have sex and kids and get married." "Joseph! Not here!" "Yes miss buswell." We all laughed and ordered our food and I caught joe and Dianne raking photos of me and kev.
Joes PoV
Me and dianne has decided that we were going to keep the rest of the old strictly gang informed on our double date by sneaking pictures of them acting cute around each other. Stacey looked at us but we told her we were just looking on Instagram. I text the group.
Joe has sent an attachment.
Stacey and Kevin hugging and feeding each other and laughing.
Johannes. Oh my god they are couple goals.
Joe. Alright calm down. Might not be any more photos because stacey is catching on. Maybe a video though. 
Kevins PoV
The rest of the night flew by and we decided that me and stace would go back to joe and Diannes and stay for the night. Mr and joe paid and we drove back to theirs. I had a feeling they were up to something but I didn't know what.
Might do a P2 and also if anyone has any ideas for a story line for me to write another book about it some idea for the one shots then tell me and I'll give you credit and all that shite.

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now