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Two updates in one day. Wow go me.
Kevin PoV
"Hey stace." "Ye". "Do u mind if joe and dianne come round for a bit." "No its your house just as much as mine so let the awesome foursome be reunited." She shouted down the stairs. My god what sort of crazy relationship hav i got myself into. I text joe back saying that him and lady di were welcome round at about five and it was now half two. We had plenty of time and there was this one thing that i had seen on instagram and wanted to test out. Stacey came down the stairs in her sweats and cuddled up next to me on the sofa. "Hey stace i read this thing on instagram i cant remember where." She looked at me confused. This was about to get dirty very quickly. "Well go on then you plonker tell me what it was." "Well it said that when having sex women like the men to be dominant and it makes them cum faster." I looked up at her and blushed madly. I just ruined everythin haven't i. "Well do you want to test that theory?" Woah she was eager. "Well someone's horny hmm?" She laughed. "No just like testing theories." "Alright whatever you say Mrs I'm so horny." "Hey." She playfully punched me on the arm. I checked the time it was 3:00pm great we had time. I threw stacey over my shoulder and ran upstairs and threw her on the shared bed. We had had sex before but she was never this eager. Of course it wasn't against will because I'm not like that but today she just seemed so excited but the reason why i did not know. I ran into the walk in wardrobe and got out a blindfold, a pair of handcuffs and a vibrator. This should test the theory well enough. "Do you trust me stace?" "Well i mean i let you send from the roof on a giant stick of rock so i think i trust you." She laughed. that was very true. I blindfolded her and handcuffed her to the top of the bed. I slid off my shirt and joggers leaving me in my black calvins. I slowly climbed on to the bed and started tickling her and although it scared her at first she started laughing. Right now was when the fun happened.
Staceys PoV
So i was now blindfolded and handcuffed to the top of a bed with a man who i trusted ever so much. I had been in a five year relationship and never done this. Me and Kev have been together 11 month and this is happening. After he had finished tickling me my lace panties were soaked. Fortunately for him i was wearing a button up shirt so there wasn't going to be any hassle there and i was wearing baggy joggers which meant the stripping part was really easy. He started unbuttoning my shirt leaving kisses where each button had been. From the bottom all the way up to the top and then unclipped my bra. He latched his lips onto mine and i let his tongue explore my mouth really wanting to test this dominance theory but also wanting to have fun if ya know what i mean. He moved from my lips to my neck and started leaving hickeys from my earlobe to my pulse point to my collarbone. He then moved all the way down to the waistband of my joggers and by now i was sure it must have looked like i was being beaten up.  He slipped my joggers down my legs and threw them across the room. I was now just in my panties. he tested my wetness with his finger and let out a satisfied grunt. I felt his teeth graze my heat and my panties were also thrown across the room. He slipped one finger into me and moved in and out slowly. His other hand was rubbing circles round my clit whilst his mouth was sucking on my breast not wanting to leave it out. He slipped another finger in and pumped faster.  "Stop teasing Kev." I moaned and he immediately pulled out of me and left the bed and i felt myself being untied. "Huh?" "Joe dianne here." He whispered. "Oh fuck shit." "Get your clothes on and lay down in bed and ill just slip my joggers on and we will pretend to be asleep got it?" "Good plan kingkev." I quickly redressed as i heard two pairs of feet start shuffling up the stairs. Kev quickly jumped into bed next to me and with instinct i snuggled into his bare chest. The door opened and i heard two people laughing and i knew then it was definitely joe and dianne. "Stop teasing Kev." Moaned joe. "Stacey something Dooley do not pretend to be asleep we heard you outside." Yelled dianne. In the background joe was still making moaning noises and imitating me and Kevin. "Joe behave and come here." I then heard whispering and then suddenly i felt like i was being suffocated by ten sacks of potatoes. Kevin let out a puff of air and then there was a thud. Joe had been pushed to the floor and it doesn't surprise me really. Kevin was a lot stronger than him and joe was really easy to pick up.
Kevins PoV
I pushed joe to floor and sat up and then nudged stacey. "We've been caught come on." I mumbled. Joe clambered back up on to his feet and him and dianne were still laughing their heads off. Dianne was laughing so much that she fell off the side of the bed. Stacey sat up and dianne started laughing even harder when she saw the hickeys on Staceys neck. "It's a good job your not still on strictly because I don't think they would be happy with marks on skin because that is a big no no no." She said whilst wagging her fingers at me and stacey. "Oops." We both mumbled. Stacey snuggled back into my chest to hide her embarrassment. "How about we move up a bit and you two come and lay down and we will put something on tv." "Can we watch our strictly series back." Stacey and joe both yelled excitedly. Me and dianne groan. It's not like we never watch it because whenever we are all together we watch it and whenever me and stacey are watching something it will be her series of strictly and I'm pretty sure that was the same with joe and dianne. "Fine." We both huffed and snuggled back into our partners. Me and stacey shared what we thought were sneaky little kisses in between the breaks and stuff but then joe told us that we weren't very sneaky and we knew what he was talking about. We decided that joe and dianne could stay in the spare bedroom tonight as it was about 2am and they didnt want to travel to the other side of London at this time of night so we parted ways and me and stace both fell to sleep in each other's arms legs tangled and faces inches apart.

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now