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Kevins PoV
There was a storm outside and me and stacey were watching tv thinking our prince and princess were asleep. We heard footsteps walk down the stairs and Reece and Lily ran and hid in between me and stacey. We chuckled and I put a hand on my boys head and kissed the top of Lily's. "What's wrong?" "Scared. Loud noise and light outside." "It's just a thunder storm. It's ok." "But it's scary dada." "I guess so. Shall I teach you a little trick?" They both nodded and stacey smiled knowing what I was about to tell them. Of course they had got this fear from her. This always helps stacey so it should help them right? "You know when you hear the thunder?" "Yeah?" "Well you count until you hear it again and the bigger the number the closer it is to being over." "So if we count to six it's close but if we can't to hundred it's far away." I nodded and they both sat there counting and soon enough they were fast asleep. Me and stacey smiled. "Just like their mama." "They s fall asleep a lot easier." "Believe me my darling. I know."

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now