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Staceys PoV
Last night I had drunk. A LOT. You can't blame me I had just won strictly with my boyfriend. This morning I woke up and kev was on his phone. "Morning baby." I pressed a finger to his lips. "Why are you shouting." He laughed and whispered. "Do you want a coffee." "Sleep is key Kevin. There is such a thing as sleep. Sleepy baby. Come here." He moved your a bit and I pulled him down next to me and whispered into his ear. "Sleep." "Ok I get it." He laid down and out his phone back and then pulled me to his chest. "You need medicine." "But sleep first." I felt him nod his head and then I was out.
Three hours later
Kevins PoV
Stacey walked downstairs and you could tell she was hungover. "The monster has awoken." "Why are you still shouting." I laughed. "Do you want a coffee and some paracetamol or am I going to be shushed again." "Just give me the fucking coffee." I handed her the coffee and she sat down on the sofa. "Do you know what time it is?" "Bedtime?" "No. Half one. You've been asleep for god knows how long. I had to drag you out of the club last night." "I don't care. I can't remember half of it baby so I really can't be fucking bothered." I chuckled to myself and she drank the last bit of coffee and cuddled into me. "Can we just stay here today please and sleep." "Ok but that means that tomorrow we have to do something because we don't have to train anymore." "True but let's figure that out when we get there. For now sleepy." She pulled me next to her and I sat up and easily picked her up. She fell asleep in my arms so I took her upstairs and laid her gently in the bed. I went to leave but she grabbed my hand. "Stay? Please." "Of course." I got in bed next to her. I played with the ends of her hair. I got my phone and text the gc.
K- Stacey is absolutely hammered. She is asleep but wen we woke up this morning she kept shushing me and told me I was shouting 😬 😂
Joe- I know i feel a little bit hungover but not too much. I go out a lot so I guess I'm pretty used to it.
K- Ye well stacey clearly isn't. She's been sleeping nearly all morning but I have to say. Sometimes I wish she was hungover all the time so I'm not chasing after her like I'm her dad. 😂
Everyone- 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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