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This was a suggestion
Staceys PoV
I had been feeling off for the past few days like a really bad stomach bug. I was always throwing up and I had barely moved out of bed all week. Kev walked in and smiled sympathetically. "How you feeling baby." "Like shit but you know. Just gotta crack on." "You know what it could be." "Kev I've told you it is near damn impossible. I'm on the pill." "I know but still." "I promise I'll be fine. Anyway what time did I have that ibuprofen." "Your due some more in ten minutes." "Ok. Come here." He sat next to me on the bed and I cuddled up to him. "Are you sure you don't want to take a test. There's still a possibility. It has been known not to work." "Kevin. Honestly. There's like a 0.1% chance that it doesn't work." He chuckled and whispered. "But there is still a chance." "Kevinn. Give it a rest."
Three months later....
I was at the doctors because my illness hadn't gone so they were doing all sorts of tests. "Miss dooley are you sure that you were on birth control." "Yes doctor." "Would you mind if we give you a pregnancy test just so we can try and get to the bottom of it." "No. I'm fine. Can we go." "Stacey. Just take the test. Doc can we have a minute private please." He nodded and walked out and Kev came and stood next to me and grabbed my hand. "Look I know you are probably scared and I am too but please. Take the test. I know it's small but there is still a possibility and there is nothing else it could be." "But what if I am." "Then nothing will change apart from an extra mouth to feed. Please take the test." I nodded and the doctor came in and I took the test and it came back negative. We went home and I was out on bed rest. "What's wrong with me." "I don't know baby. If it gets any worse we are going back again." I nodded and we just snuggled up and slowly fell asleep.
One month after....
I was getting better but I was also putting on a lot of weight. The nurse had just done a scan of my stomach and came back smiling. "Everything is ok miss dooley. You and your little one are perfectly fine." "Little one. What do you mean little one?" "Oh I presumed you knew. You are just over four months pregnant with a little baby girl." My mouth dropped open and Kevin started crying. "But they tested and it came back negative and..." "We have gone back through the records and there was a mix up with the urine samples. I'll give you both a minute." Kevin looked at me and gave me the biggest smile ever. "I hate to say it but... you were right." He chuckled and just gave me a massive hug. "A little girl Stace. Just think." "I know but this doesn't change anything right?" I was worried. He wasn't going to leave me was he. "Course not. Like I said. Just an extra month to feed. I love you baby." "Love you too darling." He gave me a kiss and they finally let us go after giving us the scan results and a photo of our little princess.

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now