Stacey and Ashley

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Stacey and Ashley were just sat in the green room talking about you know. Boys really
"Yeah I miss kev. It's weird not dancing with him but alijaz is amazing and I'm lucky I've even got asked to do the tour." "Yeah I know what you mean. I'm lucky enough to dance with Giovanni but think about poor Faye. Pasha left so she can't dance with anyone." "I know. Poor Faye from steps." "That's becomes like her new name now hasn't it." "I know. And your known as pussy cat." "Of course. Have you heard about the reunion tour." "No! See this is why I need Kevin. He gives me all the updates he's like a little calendar." "In your eyes a cute hot fit little calendar." "No 😅😅. That's not true who said that." "Oh we all know it. You look at each other like they're a golden statue." Staceys phone pinged and she looked at it and gasped and nearly dropped her phone. "Ashley. You may be on to something." "What I was wait. What." Stacey showed her the phone and Ashley nearly screamed. "Oh my god Stace. That's the cutest thing ever. You need to say yes. We all know it's just meant to be." "I know but what if it's just a joke." "Well why don't you ring him. We can go somewhere quiet and I'll stay with you." She nodded so they went into a private room and sat down. She rang Kevin and he picked up.
Ash. Kevin Clifton you tell me right now. You better not be lying to my girl!
Kev. No I'm not
Ash. Then why didn't you ring her or ask her in person!
Kev. I was too nervous. I didn't want to make myself look like an idiot.
Stace. So you weren't mucking about
Kev. No. I really did love dancing with you and spending every minute in that training room with you. So would you go on a date with me. We are both in Glasgow next week so how about before our shows? Will you?
Ashley gave stacey a stern look and mouthed say yes.
Stace. Course I will.
Kev. Right I'm gonna get yelled at again. I'll phone you later yeah?
Stace. Ok. See ya Kev
Kev. Bye stace.
They hung up and Ashley looked at stacey and smiled. "Well then. How do you feel?" "Happy. I thought he was gonna be like oh sorry someone nicked my phone. Sorry bout that." They both laughed walked out the room and Ashley got everyone's attention. "Guess who has just got themselves a date?" "But ash. I thought you went out with Gio." "Not me idiots. Stacey." Joe ran up to stacey and gave her a hug. And Ranj looked confused. "Who with. Do we know him?" "I think we are all pretty familiar with him." "Ashley dont." "Stacey Dooley has only gone and hooked herself up with the king of grimsby." Everyone screamed and Stacey went bright red. "Omg babes. Come to my dressing room and you are telling me everything." "No only Ashley knows and no one else is finding out." "Ashley Roberts you tell us the deets right now!" "Calm down janette. I was going to tell you anyway. Right basically we were sat over there kev text her saying I loved dancing with you and spending every minute in training with you. Will you go on a date with me in Glasgow. He meant when they are both there for tours and she didn't think it was real so we phoned him and." "And Ashley nearly scared him off and asked him why he didn't ask over phone or in person and he said he was too nervous and he didn't want to make a fool out of himself." "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Bruno ran in and gave stacey a hug followed by all the other judges. "The strictly curse strikes again." "And the man with way too expressive arms is here." "How did you lot find out." "Neil." "NEIL JONES GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!!!!" "Katya you might want to save your husband because I don't think he's going g to make it out alive."

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now