Angel pt3

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Kevins PoV
Brooke still wasn't talking to me or Luba. Me and Luba were together and it was going well apart from Brooke hating my guts. I was down at the studios rehearsing and jo came in with her. "Hey." "I've gotta go. You'll have to watch her." Brooke didn't like that. I sighed and Janette grabbed her. "Stay with me and uncle Ali?" She nodded and I frowned. I walked into the corridor just walking round the building. I bumped into Karen and she smiled. "What's up?" "Well my daughter won't talk to me because I've got a new girlfriend and now Alijaz and Janette have to look after her because she hates me. I try so fucking hard to make her happy and then I try help myself and everything comes crashing down." "Kev. Maybe you just need to talk to her. About Stacey. About what happened. And that Luba isn't replacing her." I nodded and smiled. "You know you're not the only one feeling like this. Maybe not as painful bit we all feel it. Seeing you like this kills us. I know Luba hates it. I can't imagine how you feel." "The wedding was only four month away. Brooke doesn't even know her name Karen. I don't know how to tell her. She's only five." "Yeah I know. You can do it kev. Talk to Luba about it. Why don't you see if Brooke wants to go to a farm with her. Spend some time with her get to know her." I nodded and smiled. We both went different ways and Brooke looked at me before turning away and talking to Jason. "So Luba not my mummy?" He shook his head. I sat down listening very closely. "Luba makes daddy happy Brooke. And maybe if you get to know her she'll make you happy. Daddy wouldn't let somebody into your life if they were going to hurt you." Luba walked in and I looked up and smiled as she sat down next to me. "How's it going with her?" "Put it this way. She's got my stubbornness." "Jesus Christ she's one stubborn child then." "Oi." She smiled and pecked my cheek and I looked at Brooke who was just sat looking at a book. She walked over and tapped my leg. "What's up pumpkin?" "Read book with me." I nodded and she sat on my knee and looked through the pictures in the book and I smiled. Luba had agreed to take Brooke to a farm or a petting zoo or somewhere. "Still don't like Luba." She shook her head and I sighed. "Don't worry about it kev. It's ok." "Daddy? Who's my mummy. Janette?" "No. Your mummy. Your mummy isn't here anymore baby." "Gone on holiday?" "Yeah. Gone on holiday. But hey. She loves you. Don't worry about that. Your mummy would have loved you nearly as much as daddy does." "Really?" I nodded and she cuddled into me putting the book on the floor. "Why Luba not come home?" "Well. I thought you didn't like her." "I do but. What if she go on holiday as well?" I frowned and looked at Luba and everyone else had left to go rehearse in the big studio. "I'm not going anywhere if I can help it Brooklyn. I love daddy and I love you. But if you really don't like it me and daddy don't have to be together." "No daddy is happy. Not nice seeing daddy sad." "But are you happy?" She nodded. "But....." "But what?" "Will I get a brother or sister?" I chuckled and put and arm round Lubas waist. "Maybe in the future princess.  It yet but maybe." Luba smiled and Brooke moved over to sit on her knee and I smiled. It's working out. My life is falling into place.
3 years later
"Kev baby?" "Yeah?" "Can you feed dexter please?" "Ok." I got up out of bed and went into the nursery and picked dexter up rocking him. "Hungry baba. Come on then." I fed our little four week old and Luba came and sat next to me on the sofa and Brooke was in her room still asleep. "I was terrified when I found out you know." "What of?" "If it was gonna turn out like stacey did. I might have raised Brooke on my own but an eight year old and a newborn. Don't think that would work." She smiled and pecked my lips gently. "I'll try my absolute hardest." "Brilliant. I've got a meeting in two hours with Jason. You sure you'll be ok?" "Kevin. Babe. I'm gonna be just fine. Promise." I smiled and when dexter had been burped and rocked back to sleep Luba took him to bed and I changed into some neat clothes. Trousers and a polo. "Brooke princess. Come on get up." She walked out and I smiled. "Hey. Cmere." She walked over and I smiled. "I've gotta go for a meeting. I'm gonna be gone for a few hours. You think you can look after Luba and dexter for me?" She nodded and I smiled. "There's you go. Go get some breakfast and some clothes and I'll be as quick as I can ok?" She nodded and I watched her run into her room and get dressed then grab some cereal. "Mummy?" Luba looked up from the sofa and I looked at Brooke and she smiled. "Yeah." "Can we put High School Musical on later." "I Umm. Yeah. Yeah ok." "Thank you." Luba got up but I shook my head and sat her back down. "Don't hurt yourself. Don't try lifting anything heavy. Don't worry about dinner i sort that when I get back." She sighed. "You know. Having a baby sucks." "Well. I'm sorry. We've got our beautiful baby Brooke is calling you mummy and I couldn't fall for you anymore. I'll see you later yeah?" She nodded and we kissed before I left. I knocked on Jason's office and he smiled at me. "Hey. How's Luba. The baby?" "Fine. All good. She's frustrated. She wants to dance and do everything but I won't let her." "Hows my little Brooke." "Not so little. She called Luba mummy this morning so we are getting somewhere." "Come on then this proposal plan won't sort itself."

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