My fault

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Kevins PoV
Me and Anneka had just been eliminated. Second out. From winner to second out. I should have made the choreography easier. For gods sake. "This is Kevin and Annekas strictly story." We watched it and she got tearful but I was just annoyed with myself. I'm the pro I should have been a better teacher. ITT finished and I went home and stacey gave me a massive hug. "I'm proud of you." "Thanks baby. It was my fault. I should have been a better teacher. I should have made the choreography easier." "Kev stop. It wasn't your fault. Someone had to lose. You've done everyone proud. I mean you taught her how to dance and how many times did she say that she knew she would be one of the first out. She touched you up on live tv twice. She dressed in pink. She wore a dress. You've changed that woman's life." "She didn't touch me up. It was my phone I've told you." "I know but it's funny." "Ye ye ye." "Come on. It's late let's go to bed."
Staceys PoV
He nodded so I grabbed his hand and dragged him into bed with me. "Well now that's over i have you all to myself."  "That's one good thing." "My baby boy." "You are too cute Stace." "Whaaat. I can't show how much I love my gorgeous boyfriend." He smiled and gave me a kiss. "I've disappointed you I can tell." "You can never disappoint me."

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now