Do you love me

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Staceys PoV
Me and kev were meant to be getting married next month but he was acting really strange lately. So I had gone to Janettes. "Hey Stace." "Hey janette." "So how can I help you today." "Ummm well. Kev has been acting odd lately whenever somebody mentions the wedding. And I don't know if it's because he doesn't want to get married or because he's genuinely scared." "Well. Maybe suggest pushing the wedding back a year. If he agrees then there's something wrong but if he fights against it you know he wants to marry you." "I guess. I just. I've never been married before and when I do I want it to be the right guy and the only guy. And if that's not kev I don't want to waste it." "I know. Well try that and see what happens." "Thanks janette. I'll talk to him tonight." I left and when I got back kev smiled at me. "Hey." "Hiya. Kev I need to talk to you about something." "Ok then. Go ahead." He sat down at the table and smiled. "I think we should push the wedding back a year." "A year? I. Oh. Why?" "I don't know. I just. Don't think next month is the right time." "Why? Stace I. I don't understand still. You've been so excited about it for ages. And I know I've been weird lately but it's just. I want it to be right. I want it to be the last time I get married. I don't want you to be let down. Everyone else I've married has been married before. I don't want to ruin your expectations. But. If. If you want to move it back a year then I suppose we best do it when we both feel comfortable." I smiled. "You know I'm joking right?" "No if you want to move it back a year then. I'd rather it be perfect." "No kev. I said it because I went and spoke to janette earlier. I was worried because you've been acting odd lately. She said that if you accepted it maybe there was something wrong. But you fought against it." He looked at me and smiled. "I'll always want to marry you. But I also want to hats best for you. If you want to bump the wedding back a year to make sure it's perfect then I'll do that. If you want to call it off because you think you aren't ready then I'll do that. If you wanted to go down to a church hall right now and get married I'd do that because I love you stacey dooley. And I only want the best on our wedding day."

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now