One night only

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Kevin and stacey has never met but were both single. They had both been matched up on a one night stand app. It was currently 5:55pm and stacey was waiting for Kevin. He wasn't late she was just early.
Staceys PoV
A gorgeous tall brown haired muscly dude walked through the door. He came over to me and his voice was amazing.
"You stacey?" I nodded. I stood and gave him a hug and a kiss in the cheek. "You look gorgeous." "Thanks. Not so bad yourself. It's Kevin right?" So he was a charmer. He nodded. A waiter came and took our orders and within ten minutes they were here. "So what do you do for a living Kevin." "Well I'm one of the dancers on strictly come dancing. Ever watched it?" I shook my head. I thought his name sounded familiar. "I've heard of it and you which is why I thought your name sounded familiar but couldn't pin point where I had heard it." He chuckled. "They do say I'm one of the favourites but that doesn't help my votes in finals." We both laughed. When we had both finished our meals he offered me back to his. "Sure but can't stay long I've got the dog to feed." "No problem. Follow me." He honestly was such a gent. He held the door open for me and closed it and when we got to his he opened the door there. See this was the type of guy I could live with. He put on a movie but it was only when a jump scare happened I realised it was a horror. I moved closer to him and he put his arm round me. Smooth. Get the girl scared and then she gets closer. It felt awkward at first being cuddled up to a stranger but I soon got used to it. I mean it was a one night stand app right so I was going to have I get used to it. I soon relaxed and laid my head in his chest. Jeez you could feels his muscles through his shirt. My sister text me and said that she would feed the dog so I could stay out a bit longer. Great. "You do know that it wasn't a dating app don't you?" He asked me and I nodded. "We dont have to if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you." "I don't know. I want to but I don't you know what I mean." He paused the movie. "If you don't want to I'm not going to force you. Besides I've enjoyed just spending time with you. And I'm not going to tie you up so it's up to you." "Well I just feel like I don't have a choice I mean I've signed up for it so-" "Hey you do have a choice in this. Just tell me when and I'm fine and if not tell me when you want to go. I'm not going to keep you here." I nodded and cuddled back into him and he unpaused the movie. The more jump scares the closer I got. Soon enough I was sat in his lap with my head tucked in the crook of his neck. "Have I ever told you you look amazing." "A couple of times yes why?" "Well you look drop dead gorgeous." I planted a soft kiss on his lips and nuzzled back into his neck. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled. This wasn't how it was meant to go. I just wanted to lose my virginity tonight nothing more nothin less. But I think I'm fallin in love with him.......

Was going to turn this into a book still might but idk. Might do a P2 so just tell me if you want one and maybe something that you want to have in it.

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now