Skype Call

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Staceys pov

Kevin was currently on a skype call with his mum and sister as we couldnt go out of the house.  I was bored so i walked in the room and he smiled at me. "Speaking of the devil. Hiya stace. my beloved brother was just talking about you." "What did he say." "That being stuck in the house was boring but you were keeping him sane." He blushed and i gave him a hug from behind."Aww you two.Kevin dont you dare screw this one up." "Thanks mum." He shook his head and i just laughed i sat out of shot and put my hand on his knee and rubbed my thumb over it. He carried on talking to his mum and joanne but he was about to blow. "Right two minutes im just gonna make a cuppa." He turned the camera off and muted it. "What are you doing?" "Its a game you win and dont get distracted we can do whatever you want later but you get distracted or your mum and sister catch on then your mum dad and sister all get to know about the secret right?" "For gods sake.Fine im in." He turned the camera back on and unmuted it and picked up his cuppa. "Isolation is boring." "i know jo. Me and stacey are on about doing an insta live later fancy doing one with us." I sat under the table and he looked at me but i just smirked. "Kevin. Hello." "Huh? What?" I said ill do the insta live but what are you doing." I moved my hands up his legs and he nearly choked on his drink. "I dont know just answering questions and stuff. We'll just see what comes up." My hands moved to his drawstrings on his joggers and he gasped. "Whats up kev?" "Stcaeys climbing on the counter trying to reach somethin." They both started laughing and he looked at me but i just smiled. "I think you keep forgetting what her job includes kevin." "i know but either way its not going to be my fault if she falls and snaps her arm or even worse her neck." My hands reached in his boxers and pulled out his length and he bit his lip. I stroked up and down and he let out a soft quiet moan. "Fuuuck." "Whats up kev." "The press making stuff up again." "I thought we told you not to look at it." "Well its hard you know." I put it in my mouth and deep-throated the whole thing and his eyes rolled to the back of his head "Right im gonna have to go ill talk to you both later." He ended the call and i stopped. "You lose." "I dont care i give up. Come here." He pulled me out from under the table and sat me on his knee. "Your very naughty." "Well you signed up for it." He laughed and gave me a kiss and we just hugged for what felt like ages. "Ill get you back dooley dont you worry." "Oh im not worrying." We moved to the sofa and just sat cuddled up for ages and he messaged joanne to see what time she wanted to do the live. She said shell message him back when and shell start one and invite us to it. 

Kevins PoV

I was going to get her back. It was like a war. She wasnt getting away without revenge.

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now