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Staceys PoV
This week Sam has been acting very strange and he was always wanting sex. I needed to stop him before something bad happened. Sam was shouting at me and somebody was phoning me so I just answered it and Sam kept shouting. "Your pathetic. That's the only reason I'm here. To fuck you so get moving." "N no." "What's your excuse this time. Is it that time of the month again." I just nodded. "I don't care the wetter the better." "Stacey?" Shit the person on the phone was Kevin. "Get here stacey now." "No sam. I don't want to." "I don't care I do. Hurry up or I'll come and get you myself and tie you up if I have to." Kevin hung up and Sam came round the corner. "Right are you coming or not." I shook my head and he picked me up by the throat and pinned me against the wall. "I want sex so I'm going to get sex now come on." I heard knocking at the front door. "Stacey!!" "Help." "Shut up bitch." He slapped me and I gasped. "Stacey!!" The front door was bust open and Sam dropped me to the floor and went into the front room. "Kevin?" Sam sounded shocked. "Where is she." "Who?" "Stacey. Where is she." "Don't know." "Tell me Sam!!!" "Somewhere your not now get out of my house." "No. I heard everything over the phone now where is she and what have you done to her!" "Shift. I'm leaving and if your not gone when I get back I'm calling the police." "Find by me." Someone walked out slammed be door and then Kev rushed round. "Stacey!" He scooped me up and carried me into the front room. "What the fuck happened." "S s Sam. He wanted to have sex but I didn't want to and he he-" "Hey it's ok. Your ok. Come on let's get you out of here." He grabbed me my coat shoes and bag and I picked up my phone and he walked me down to his car. He sat me in the passenger side and he drove me back to his apartment. I was absolutely knackered. "Tired?" I nodded and he picked me up and carried me to his flat and laid me down on the sofa. "Go to sleep if you want. I'm not going to do anything I promise." Why did I trust him more than Sam. Slowly I fell asleep.
Kevins PoV
I was stressing. What did I do. Who can I call. I decided I'd call her mum.
K-Kev D-Diane. Her mum
K. Hello
D. Kev?
K. Ye Umm I need you to come to mine like now. Sam and stacey have had an ummm an argument.
D. Right is she ok?
K. Not really can you come to *address*
D. Ye I'll be about ten minutes.
K. Right bye.
I hung up and stacey was whimpering. "Hey hey your ok. Come on. Your fine." I gently woke her up and she sat up and started crying. I pulled her into a hug and she cried into my shoulder. "What's up?" "What if he comes and finds me. What if he hurts you what if-" "Its ok he doesn't know where I am or you and either way your mums on her way so we'll see what she has to say." "Why?" "Why what Stace?" "Why are you helping me." "Because your my dance partner and friend and because I love you stace and have done since you first walked in." She kissed my cheek and I smiled. "Come on sit down your knackered." She sat down next to me and curled up into my side. I kissed the top of her head and laid it on my knee. After about five minutes someone knocked on the door and I slowly moved her head in to the sofa and went to answer it. I looked through the peep hole and her mum was there. I opened it. "Hiya Di." "Hi kev. What happened where is she and why is she here." "She's asleep on the sofa if you want to go and see her and she can explain when she's woken up." She nodded and went and sat next to stacey. "Mum?" "Hiya darling. What happened." "Sam. He wanted me to have sex with him but I didn't want to so he said he was gonna tie me up and he he-" "How did kev know." "Because he phoned me whilst Sam was shouting at me so I answered it not knowing who it was I just needed help. He heard Sam shouting at me then hung up Sam came and pinned me up against the wall and hit me and kev cane and saved me I guess." She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Thank you so much." She came and hugged me and I just chuckled. "No problem. I'm not that mean I'm not just gonna leave her." "Is she ok just I've got to get back to work." "Course. I'm wasn't going to let her go back anyway because Sam will probably be back there." She nodded and left and I went and sat back next to stacey. "You ok?" She nodded and cuddled into my side again. "Your too cute Stace." "Thanks. Your not so bad yourself." I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "How am I meant to tell Sam." "Tell him what." "That I don't want to be with him because I like someone else." My heart sunk. "Well just tell him because he can't do anything and you can phone the police on him. Whose name is the mortgage in." "Mine. I pay it all and everything in it I've paid for." "Right so tell him to get out of your house because you can't be with someone who doesn't respect her and who threatens her. Simple." "I'm not going back there. I'll ring him." "Want me to go out." "No your ok." Her phone started ringing and Sam picked up.
Sa. What do you want
St. For you to get out of my house. I can't be with someone who hates me Sam and threatens me everyday. This clearly isn't working so we are done and I want all your stuff out by tomorrow so when I get back you are gone
Sa. Well why are you leaving.
St. Because you hit me and threaten me and have no respect whatsoever and besides I've moved on.
Sa. What do you mean moved on you slag
St. I mean I like someone else.
Sa. Who.
St. Not for your ears.
Sa. Well I deserve to know who.
St. Kev.
Sam. What?!?!?!?!?
I smiled and she must have seen because she smiled back.
St. Get out stay out and don't phone me unless it's to tell me you've gone and moved out.
Sa. Right. Bye then. You sure?
St. Positive.
She hung up and put her phone down next to her and cuddled into my side again. "Love you KingKev." "Love you too stace." She kissed me quickly on the lips and we just laid there chilled and relaxed. My god was she amazing.

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now