Catching Feelings

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Kevins PoV
Over the course of this years strictly my focus was on the glitterball. Until I discovered my partner. Stacey Jaclyn dooley. The documentary maker from Luton. Or got me. The girl who caught my eye. On a frost in a room filled with gorgeous girls my eyes were drawn to her. Her finger locks hanging by her shoulders and her smile glistening under the lights by he way she spoke so highly of me. "Kev?" "Mhm?" "What you thinking about?" "Would you walk off if I said you?" She tilted her head slightly confused. "You're. You've. The progression you've made is second to none." She smiled half heartedly and I frowned. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Now was my chance. "Stace?" "Yeah?" "I know you're with Sam and that but. I'm catching feelings."

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now