Blood Ran Cold

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(Narrator POV)
It was supposed to be a simple trip, in and out. Of course, when is anything ever simple? Never, is the answer and this was no exception.

Loki, Thor, Lady Sif, and the Warrior Three were on Jotunheim.

They were just sent to get (read: steal) a crystal from one of the mountains. Unfortunately, they ran into some Frost Giants. Because of course they did.

Loki was fighting on one side while all the rest were fighting on the other. That happened a lot these days, him on one side and everyone else on the other. Not quite against him, but clearly not with him either.

He pretended that it didn't sting.

The others had 4 Frost Giants attacking them while Loki had 2. That Asgardian-to-Jotun ratio didn't really seem fair on his side in Loki's opinion (not that anyone seemed to care what he thought), especially since it hadn't even been his fault.

See, everything had been going smoothly until Lady Sif made a comment that 'since you're so good at finding these mountain entrances, maybe you should just stay here' to Loki.

The Warrior Three and Thor cackled so loud that it might as well have shook the mountains around. They wouldn't stop either, no matter how many times Loki hissed that they were being too loud.

Suddenly, the guard towers in some mountain peaks were empty and the group was being chased by 6 very large, and very angry Frost Giants while Loki used all of his willpower to hold in an 'I told you so'.

Thor turned and swung his hammer, nearly knocking Loki's head right off his shoulders on accident, so Loki ran the other direction while everyone else continued to fight. Two Frost Giants followed him, which he was fine with. His main worry had been being near the others while fighting because they always loved to say that his magic was cheating, even if it did save their lives (Loki didn't believe there was any such thing as cheating in a fight, but he supposed that self-proclaimed 'honorable warriors' saw it differently).

He turned and began using illusions to trick the giants. Distracting one, while he stabbed the other through the back was easy enough. What wasn't easy was when the one that had been distracted charged him and grabbed his arm faster than he expected the brute to move.

Loki stared up into those red eyes, towering over him and from the victory in the creature's eyes, he knew that he looked defeated.

He expected pain, to see his arm freeze and shatter. Horrific thoughts of only having one hand to do magic or make weapons with filled his mind which was quickly followed by dread. However, all that froze was his armor.

He felt pinpricks in his arm and looked down slowly, only to see a bright blue arm instead of his pale one. A gasp escaped his lips as he turned his arm all around. Blue. Like a Jotun. A Frost Giant. A Monster.

Quickly, after registering the matching shock in the Frost Giant's eyes, he used his magic to blast a hole through his abdomen, which caused the savage to fall over and release Loki's arm.

He watched in distant horror as his arm slowly turned to its normal pale color once again. Once it was fully transformed, he turned his head to make sure that none of the others had seen anything. All still distracted by the last frost giant, completely oblivious (big surprise). Which was good, he didn't need them on his back about something that he didn't even understand yet.

In order to keep them from asking questions (it was honestly unlikely that they'd ask any, no matter what he did. Maybe ignorance really is bliss.), he used his magic to remake the armor on his hand and forearm so it looked like nothing happened.

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