Is he hiding something? chapter 1

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*Art is mine*

R.S Freddy's p.o.v
Bryan walked into the gates of the new theme park.We just got here yesterday none of us remember what happened or how we got here.When Bryan showed us around yesterday he was acting weird,he said springtrap was "gone" and got nervous when I asked him about how much money he spent on the park."hi Freddy" Bryan said smiling as he walked twords me "oh hello Bryan, How are you?"I asked" I'm great,you?" He smiled " I'm good, how did we get here? why aren't we at the pizzaria?"I was kinda paranoid in this new place but I didn't show it."I shut you guys off and brought you here"I could tell he was lying to me,but I played along"oh ok."He soon left, talking about how he was going to see how the others were adjusting to the new place, Freddy had to admit he liked it here. Freddy could notice throughout the day Bryan was really jumpy and seemed anxious maybe he was worried about molten since they hadn't seen him the two days they had been there.That night Bryan didn't, leave, Freddy had not shut off but everyone else was, while Freddy was walking he saw something.Bryan was tampering with lefty and mumbling I knew I probably shouldn't have seen that so I decided to Ask him about it tomorrow
Bryan's p.o.v
Everyone should be off so I can finally help lefty.I knew lefty wouldn't want to remember what happened so I messed with his memory chip a bit , now he should be like everyone else and not remember the incadint with springtrap when I show him around tomorrow. I wish I could forget to, but I can at least help lefty not remember,maybe I should do the same to helpy she seemed more down then normal so I guess I will do it to her to.
*Time skip*
After finishing erasing helpy and Lefty's memories I went up to my hotel room and slept ,though I knew I would just have more nightmares I had been having them since before the incadint so I was used to them I always flailed when I had nightmares I knew because it made my cuts sting.

February 8 2020

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