what are these things?!? chapter 5

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R.S Freddy's p.o.v
After we went back to are areas I couldn't help but think of the portal. Why was there a portal here in the first place,and why did Bryan try to hide it from us. My thoughts were interrupted as happy frog ran bye curiosity got the better of me and I ran after her she was chasing something or so it seemed.
Freddy thought something was wrong but it turned out Happy frog was just chasing a rat out of the park she was heading back when I asked her "what was that all about?" She jumped "oh Freddy you scarred me,I saw a rat and I hate rats there really gross" she stuck her tongue out in disgust (do animatronics have tongues?) " first of all I thought you where off,second of all you're an animatronic you won't get a disease"I said trying to reason with her " oh yeah we can't get diseases I totally forgot,and I finished charging earlier so I was looking around for anything bryan could have missed and found the rat... Say, you wanna hang out by any chance?"she asked walking as we talked " yeah sure,I've got nothing better to do right now"I said.
We walked twords foxys area since happy frog wanted to go on the big ship but as we were heading that way we heard something I turned and saw some hellish group of animatronics standing by the gate to the portal most looked like the originals but there was one that stood out some sort wolf animatronic "what are those tings!" Happy frog screamed at the top of her voice box."I don't know" I shouted back, we ran the nightmarish animatronics following closely behind us.
Bryan's p.o.v
I looked out of my window only to see those damn twisted animatronics chasing after Freddy and happy frog. I had to do something quickly, I went over and grabbed my gun. I took carful aim and shot straight into twisted Freddy's back he fell and the other twisteds ran to his aid my animatronics continued to run, the twisteds ran back to the portal.Now what to do about the window,in the end I picked the shards up with my hands and got cuts all over my hands but I didn't care I put the shards in the trash and got back to work not bothering to clean the blood.

February 14 2020

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