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R.S Freddy's p.o.v
   After I left I looked back through the window a bit and saw Bryan holding some sort of box?There was writing on the box but it was smuged all  he could make out was ' s...n.t..p h..p. b...h.ay'bryan was looking into it but Freddy couldn't see Bryan's face. I walked away when I remembered that Bryan tampered with lefty, maybe lefty knows something. I skidded off to his area hoping he was on, after all it was like 9:26 in the afternoon and they shut off at 10:40 most of the time."hey lefty?" I asked as I ran up to him "yeah what is it?' he said turning to me, "do you know why Bryan has been acting so strange?"I asked hoping he had an answer but he shook his head no and said, "no I don't, why would you come to me?" Did he not know? " Well I saw Bryan tampering with your system the night after we got here, or was it the night after?" I asked myself I for whatever reason couldn't recall much from that night I almost forgot "what!?!" He yelled. So he really didn't know, "yeah it was only a couple of nights ago" I exclaimed "oh, I might have to talk to Bryan about that" just as he was about to go twords his office I stopped him "he already shood me away he will probably do the same to you" we both sighed  " alright I'll just try another day" in the end we decided to hang out the clocks that Bryan put all over the place just struck 10:32 when we saw Bryan walk into his room me and lefty rushed to the back but the doors where locked not wanting to break anything before the grand opening we left it alone .

Bryan's p.o.v
   As I headed back to my room with my box I took out the small plushie and hugged it im so glad *Error name cannot be found* got me something like this for my birthday I love it I cuddled it in my arms I was kinda worried about somebody seeing but I l there anyway tonight I had a better nightmare than I normally had I didn't shake as much. When I got up I left my plush toy on the bed and went in the bathroom to punish myself for being the worst I carefully put the * Error name can not be  found* plushie back in the box and stuffed the box in the closet. Today I decided to hang out with my ' freinds, that totally care about me ' unlike *Error name can not be found* I left anyway wonder what we'll do today I thought 'smiling'.

Want a hint the hint is there are 3 words the 1st is a name the 2nd is a word with two of the same letter next to each other and the 3rd l is  technically 2 words in one

Fine the 2nd word is happy

Each dot represents the missing letter

Well bye hope you enjoyed love y'all ♡
Feb 21 2020

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