Valentine's chapter

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*warning:does not connect to the story line of secrets this would take place before they found the portal*
Bryan:hey guys happy Valentine's day
Happy frog:hey Bryan happy Valentine's to you too
Bryan:thanks anyway, I bear news from the higher ups
Helpy:what are you talking about Bryan?
Bryan:I'm glad you asked helpy well we shall be coming up with Valentine's pick up lines to use on the veiwers
Happy frog:what veiwers Bryan?
Bryan:happy frog you first
Happy frog:first you didn't answer my question but here goes nothing,I was just jumping to be you're valentine
Bryan:was that a frog pun?
Happy frog:kinda UwU
Bryan: ok your turn helpy
Helpy:I just couldn't bear to wait any longer to ask you to be my valentine
Bryan:helpy...was that pun?
Helpy:Bryan you did this to yourself we have to do puns
Bryan:ok your turn lefty
Lefty:looks like your in quite the pickle there valentine
Bryan:did you say that cause your the pickle God
Lefty:yes UwU
Bryan: I'm done with you,ballora you next
Ballora:you could say I'm blinded by my love for you Valentine
Bryan:..... circus baby your turn
Circus baby:you wanna be my baby this Valentine's day
Bryan:why?just why?R.S Freddy
R.S Freddy: please deposit 5 coins
Bryan:that's not even a pick up line
R.S Freddy: I know that's the point
Bryan:well guys I've had enough bad puns for one day bye
Helpy:that was weird

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