the new molten

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Moltens p.o.v
         I powered on and was face to face with Jon "hello?" I asked him he said nothing and continued to stare at me, he took a small item out of his pocket I looked at him in confusion he pressed a green button and my vision began to swirl.
A few hours later
         I walked around looking for Bryan all I know is that I have to protect him Wich I'm fine with when I was around him I got this weird but nice feelings. I finally saw him and I felt compelled to hug him just like I did back at the pizzaria but just like back then I Didn't I kept my distance. "So umm can I see them?" Lefty asked "well..." Bryan answered he looked over and noticed me. "Hey lefty look it's molten!" Bryan yelled "Bryan he's dea-" he stopped when he saw me his eyes welled up with oil and he ran twords me and hugged me "what are you doing lefty?" I asked "hugging you, I missed you buddy!" Lefty sobbed. I hugged him tighter, I looked up at Bryan and saw the scariest face I had seen in my entire life and death.
"Hey Bryan what are you plotting?" I asked nervously "nothing~" he whispered in a low voice, I almost squealed. I suddenly felt a wave of that strange feeling I felt around Bryan I looked up at him and blushed. I felt clothes drape over me and a new want for Bryan.

I stared at him and let go of lefty I gripped Bryan's arm tightly and stared into his eyes "lefty this was not what was ment to happen he was supposed to go yandere over you it was going to be such a funny prank!"he cried

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I stared at him and let go of lefty I gripped Bryan's arm tightly and stared into his eyes "lefty this was not what was ment to happen he was supposed to go yandere over you it was going to be such a funny prank!"he cried. "What the hell is going on!" Jon yelled as he ran up to me and Bryan "I can exp-"Bryan started but Jon grabbed my arm and pulled me off of Bryan.
Me and Jon began to fight at first it was with are hands but then Jon pulled out a knife and ran twords me "gaaaaaaaaa!" Jon screamed as he fell onto the floor. "Jon calm down, you to molten!" Bryan demanded both me and Jon couldn't help but swoon." I love you Bryan!" I yelled latching myself back on his arm, Bryan sighed I nuzzled myself on his shoulder. Luckily it won't hurt him since I am fluffy now I have fur! Bryan is just so sweet. Jon stared daggers at me but I didn't pay him much thought all I care about is Bryan.

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