found out?

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*this gif has nothing to do with the chapter I just thought it was beautiful*

Bryan's p.o.v
   I ran over to them "hey guys!" They turned twords him. As I looked around I could only see ballora, Freddy, baby, lefty, foxy, and helpy. "Hi Bryan" lefty shouts as she waved at me I was going to say hi to baby since she was busy with the food stands but lefty walked over to me and he said something that made me shutter "I know what you did"

Lefty's p.o.v
   When I told Bryan I knew what he did he started shaking and sweating? "W-what do y-you mean?" He scratched the back of his head and looked away nervously "I know you messed with my system!" He didn't look at me at all for some reason "look I have to go say hi to baby!" He yelled as he ran twords Elizabeth who was standing by a bunch of cotton candy she pointed at it and yelled at Bryan but I couldn't tell what she was telling, I sighed Freddy was right this would be harder than it looked I will talk to him later.

Baby's p.o.v
   I was looking at the gotten candy pouting cause I couldn't reach it when Bryan said " hey baby"I immediately grabbed his shirt sleeve and he flinched  "GET ME COTTON CANDY!" I yelled. He reached up and asked "what flavor?" "STRAWBERRY! STRAWBERRY!" I demanded he grabbed the pink strawberry flavored cotten candy and handed it to me I devoured it in an instant and licked my metal fingers I looked up at him and we giggled. Then I noticed something there was red on his arm and it wasn't his sleve I looked up at him he must have noticed me staring at his arm because he pulled down his sleve and smiled at me I just laughed and we ended up talking about random things. I could see lefty and Freddy staring at him "baby?" He asked "yeah?"I raised my eyebrow, Do I have a eyebrow? " Do you want to see something special that you can't tell anyone else about because it's top secret~" he asked now this whole top secret thing got me pumped  "yeah!" He lead me to foxys land and into the woods there was a gate with a sigh, that both of us didn't bother reading, There where cool things but Bryan walked past them behind a rock I followed at there where to large doors.

Sorry that it's so short hope you like it bye~♡
Feb 21 2020

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