wolfys problem pt 2

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Wolfys p.o.v
      I wanted to find out more but I couldn't walk up to them or move closer or they would find out about me, Bryan said not to let the others see me until he shows me to them since they wouldn't recognize me but they would recognize the others. "You know what? if we're hear might as well have some fun" I heard "huh?" I whispered to myself "thanks freddy!" Chica yelled what are they doing chica raced over to Bryan's animatronics and jumpscared them they ran off screaming like babies and chica let out a demonic gigle  "carful cheeks don't go gettin to loud ya hear thell go gettin are human buddie and he'll give us a worse scoldin than Freddy ever has" Bonnie acknowledged the fact that we would be Royaly screwed if they got Bryan "yeah your right guess we're going for now common you to big bad wolf" she   giggled "Hardy har har  so funny" I said sarcastically but she just burst into laughter each time she tried to speak. I sat on the floor of the lab we had looking at a picture of me and Bryan from when we first met still remember it to
      "Hmm were the heck is it?" A human asked itself it was staring at a phone. I didn't move out of the darkness but I still asked it "were are you heading?" It whipped its head around "huh?umm I'm looking for the Afton recidence would you happen to know where I can find it?" The Afton recidence weird. I closed my eyes and stepped out of the shadows and smiled wide " I can show you~" I opened my eyes only to see he wasn't scared of me "you can! Thank you!" He smiled brightly. Despite my confusion I lead him to the aftons  house "so kid what's your name?" I asked him" Bryan! Yours?" "Twisted wolf but just call me wolfy I guess" I said hesitantly "well see ya wolfy!" He knocked on the door and I quickly ran off.

Why do you think he needed to go to the aftons recidence guess in the comments first person to get it right might get something might not you never know with me UwU

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