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Nobody's p.o.v
      Baby and Bryan were out shopping with springtrap who was yet to be discovered by the other animatronics. "Hmm interesting!" Lefty chirped as he grabbed a pickle and placed it in his mouth not to chew though cause Lefty's Weird. Then all of a sudden the animatronics all began to shut off and a monotone voice came out from each one of there voice boxes all saying the same thing "shut down sequence, memory restoration is in effect please wait"  a few moments later the voice spoke again. "Memory  restoration complete, all erased memories and forgotten memories have been restored thank you for your patience"
Baby's p.o.v
      Bryan bought me a whole bunch of cute outfits

v      Bryan bought me a whole bunch of cute outfits

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I absolutely loved them but Bryan told me I would half to wait till later to wear them  so I left in my normal clothes

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I absolutely loved them but Bryan told me I would half to wait till later to wear them  so I left in my normal clothes. When we got back the others seemed scared they were huddled together crying, others were angry some where pacing  around frantically. "Umm what's going on mommy?" I asked her but unfortunately she was one of the ones who where angry she didn't seem to angry at first but then she saw springtrap, she flipped out. Mom jumped on top of springtrap "YOU BASTARD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" she screamed at him others seemed to notice springtraps presence as well. R.S Freddy pulled something out from behind him something shiny with red all over it, he walked up to Bryan who was trying to stop the animatronics from completely polverising springtrap. "Care to explain what I found in your room?" R.S Freddy asked as he held up a blood soaked knife Bryan and the others froze and I immediately knew what it was, it must have been the knife Bryan cut himself with though none of the blood seemed recent it was all old but not to old. "Umm well..." Bryan stuttered the ones who were beating spring up stopped, giving springtrap time to get away "it's a knife he uses to cut himself..." Lefty said "huh?" I asked how did he know? " When I got my memories restored apparently that was one of them" lefty spoke his voice had no joy in it Wich was expected according to Bryan they did go through some pretty horrific stuff. "EXPLAIN!" The animatronics all yell "well..."

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