the past

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This is the past

Jon's p.o.v
   I stood under the tree of me and bryans elementary school waiting for Bryan "hey Jon did you need something?" Bryan asked I blushed as red as a tamato "h-hey brayan ummm well i-I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!"I shouted but Bryan just looked down fidleling with his fingers." I'm sorry Jon but I don't return your feelings, I hope we can still be friends" he had a guilty look on his face but instead of running off I had an idea I would make him love me whether he liked it or not so I slapped him. "Jon what are you doing?" He asked rubbing his cheek." YOU WILL LOVE ME!" I screamed I kicked him in the stomach and his face twisted in pain but surprisingly he didn't fight back he just layed there. "Oh God what have I done!" I ran I didn't even help him i just ran. The next day I expected my parents to yell at me for hurting Bryan or the teacher to send me to the principal's office but it never happened I showed up late and didn't sit next to Bryan so I had to wait until lunch to to say sorry to him it was weird Bryan wasn't acting different at all almost like it didn't happen but I could see a bruise on his shoulder from when I grabbed him and slammed his head in the tree but no one else noticed "ok kids it's recess time go out and play we all ran out of the glass door that separated are classroom from the playground I slowly walked to Bryan his eyes widened with fear "h-hi j-jon"he backed away slowly "look Bryan I'm so sorry for yesterday I just got mad" I said guilty "oh it's fine I'm used to it." He smiled sweetly I decided to dismiss what he said about being used to it for now "honestly it really is fine I'm used as a stress toy alot so come to me next time you feel angry or stressed" I didn't quite understand what he meant but I agreed anyway next time I was stressed he tried to calm me down but it made me more angry and I did it again when I asked him if he was ok he said he was fine and that he didn't mind and that's how it all started.

March 2 2020

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