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*this chapter is about Bryan's past with william Afton*

4 year old Bryan's p.o.v
       I was having trouble walking home Jon got really mad today and it got out of hand I almost collapsed when I felt a big hand garb me "you ok kid?" Asked a man u recognized him almost immediately it was William Afton creator and owner of the Fazbear entertainment business  "yes im fine mister Afton" he smiled gently " what's your name and how did you get all these bruises?" He asked me "ummm I'm Bryan sir and well ummm..."I didn't want to get Jon in trouble "I got them from my mommy and daddy" I whispered I wasn't lying. "Well how about you come to my house and my wife helps you" he asked "Thank you sir!" He lead me to his house it was huge. I followed him inside and saw a beautiful lady sitting on a purple sofa with a little girl and a little boy along with a teen who was sitting on a purple armchair like how daddy did. "Oh hello William who is this little fella, oh my where did he get those bruises!" The beautiful lady yelled running over to me and raping her arms around me "umm I'm Bryan and I got them from mommy and daddy" I said softly "here let me help you follow me and I'll patch you up" she instructed as she lead me to the bathroom she rapped me cuts and bruises up with bandage and spraying weird things that made the cuts sting. "there you go all patched up how about you go play with my kids while me and William talk oh and by the way my name is Clara" she gave me a light push and pointed at the little girl and the little boy on the sofa she told me to go play with them. "Hi I'm Elizabeth and this is Cris what's your name" the little girl yelled "oh I'm Bryan" I whispered just loud enough for them to hear. "Cris let's go play in your room with bryan?!" Elizabeth shouted "S-sure" Cris stuttered. Elizabeth grabbed me by the hand and ran as Cris slowly walked behind us she ran up the flight of steps almost making me trip a couple of times and down a long hallway she slammed open a door at the end of the hall and ran inside. The floor was covered in toys Elizabeth finally let go and I ran and sat next to the bed waiting for Cris. Elizabeth played with a toy car making it zoom around the room it looked like fun I wonder what it's like to play with a toy. Cris walked in and sat on the bed he looked down at me "a-are you n-not going to play?" He asked slowly stopping his stuttering as he talked "I-I can play?" I asked. "Of course you can" he whispered. My eyes lit up and i ran over to the nearest toy it was some weird robot thing I didn't touch it I just stared at it. What do you do with toys? I poked it slightly it didn't tip over I grabbed it and looked at Cris expecting for him to yell at me for touching it but he said nothing. I stood up and. Walked over to a toy box Cris had in the corner of his room and gently placed the toy inside I continued to do this with several other toys aside from the ones Elizabeth was playing with I finished putting the toys away and Elizabeth looked up at me." Why are you putting those away?" She asked me "well I just like cleaning plus it kinda cleared the way for your car right?" She looked at me questioningly but went back to playing with her toys. "May I sit here?" I asked Cris pointing to a spot next to him on the bed "yeah" he said shyly he was slightly red. "Hello kids so me and William decided that Bryan can stay here for the night" Clara said trough a crack in the door "yay! Hey mom can I sleep in here tonight?" Elizabeth asked "sure sweety but Bryan also has to sleep in here, good night" I could hear miss Afton slowly walk away from the door. "YAY!" Elizabeth cheered "I'll sleep on the floor " I said "you sure?" Cris asked "yeah" I responded. "Ok!" Elizabeth shouted. I climbed off the bed and layed on the floor on the other side of the bedside table. I could hear Elizabeth climb into bed "do you want any pillows or blankets?" Cris asked me "nope I'm good!" I replied I heard Cris slowly lay down. It took hours for me to finally fall asleep it was the best sleep I had had In a while. I slowly walked down the stairs carful not to make and noise it was 6 am and nobody else was awake. I heard something in the living room, I peeked in to see William he was walking back inside the house Wich mad me wonder where he went he was holding something but I couldn't tell what. He walked past me without seeing me. I sat down on the sofa in the living room and stared into the darkness I sat there for what felt like hours until I heard sombody
Walking down the stairs. They walked in the room and flipped on the light switch.

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