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Baby's p.o.v
   Bryan walked over to the comically large doors I followed closely behind "what is this place Bryan?" I asked  " this,"he opened the doors"is the the portal room." I stared in awe it was a large swirling portal next to it was some sort of computer? "Now I told Freddy I wouldn't tell anyone else about this so that's why it is top secret" I looked up at him and asked " is it only Freddy that knows or?" "me, Freddy, ballora, and you are the only ones that know" he said simply."Now now we gotta go before the others co-" he was cut off by something coming out of the portal but I couldn't see it, he pushed me through the door. I fell down and could here it close again I could here him yell "Run!" I stood and ran back to the others. I hugged mom's leg, I hope Bryan is okay.

Bryan's p.o.v

I could here baby run off I looked into his eyes "Bryan"he barked threateningly "twisted wolf" we stared at each other then he giggled. "I told you to call me wolfy friend." He placed his paw on my shoulder his claws  brushing against my back. "Fine, wolfy"he chuckled. "Yunno Bryan I missed massing with ya"he gave a me a huge hug his claws dug into my back but I didn't care, I hugged back "so... You going to fix me soon?" He asked expectingly "sure sure I'll get to it power off wolfy"he did as asked and I got to work.
                       Hours later
"Finally I'm finished" I pushed him back through the portal and left luckily he dug his claws into my back so I could lie and say he fought me and I pushed him through the portal.

Sorry it's so short I might post again soon though like maybe today

also twisted wolf/wolfys new suit

   Feb 22 2020For any of those who want to know how I made wolfy here

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   Feb 22 2020
For any of those who want to know how I made wolfy here

Yes this is mine this is from my yt channel

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