lefty finds out

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Lefty's p.o.v
   Bryan was limping around Wich I found weird it wasn't until he gathered all of us together that I understood I had told the others about what I saw Jon do so when Bryan said " guys Jon will be here today so make sure to be on your best behavior ok" you could only imagine the fury under there blank slate mask.
   Everyone was doing there own thing and I was getting very boerd. I decided to sneak a peak at whatever Bryan was doing and wouldn't confront him if I found out something weird happened. Sometimes I feel like I'm forgetting things I've seen like my non-existent brain was being dipped in bleach and I feel like Bryan has something to do with it. I looked through the window and saw him changing and while I did feel like a perv I was kinda curious so I looked anyway he had bruises and cuts even FUCKING BURNS yet he seemed fine with the fact he was purple black and blue from almost chest to toe. Then I focused on a different part of the body and turned away blushing, damn he was huge! I ran off embarrassed almost forgetting the evidence of abuse. How long had it gone on without knowledge of it? Why did it start? Is Jon the only one? Questions raced through my head then I bumped straight into jon.
                      Jon's p.o.v
   I was simply walking having a nice evening when I got knocked over by a huge hunk of metal jeez I need to talk to Bryan about his animatronics " are you going to help me up?" Lefty turned away from me and walked to H. Frog completely ignoring me " fucking animatronics" I mutterd. I brushed my clothes off incase I got dirt got on me and walked off with my clipboard. Lefty was noticably quite and the animatronics seemed weary and rude twords me glaring, teasing, pushing, and tripping me I was going to have to give Bryan a real beating for not controlling his animatronics but for now I was going to check out the park when I saw a figure in the trees.   

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