Family problems 1

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Bryan's p.o.v
   "Oh dear I didn't realize you where in here, sorry if I scared you" miss Afton smiling "I was just about to start breakfast, would you like to help?" She asked "y-yeah" I stuttered. "Alright, follow me" She started to walk away and I lept off the sofa to follow her.
                      Time skip
"And that's how you make an omelet!" Miss Afton instructed, she had been teaching me how to cook. "Thank you miss Afton!" I said smiling up at her "oh dear you are just to precious!" She exclaimed. "What's all the noise mom?" Michael asked from the doorway to the kitchen "oh I was just cooking breakfast with Bryan" she said sweetly. "What are you even making?" He asked. "Omlets, pancakes,bacon, and fruit." Miss Afton replied. "Mommy!" Elizabeth yelled as she ran through the kitchen and hugged miss aftons leg. "Hi dear, how are you?" She asked as she pay Elizabeth of the head "where's William and Chris?" Miss Afton asked. "Right here sweety" William said standing right outside the kitchen with Chris right next to him. " Bryan why don't you go play with Elizabeth and Chris while I finish the food and set the table" miss Afton suggest, "okay" I said. Me Elizabeth and Chris walked into the living room "So what do you want to do?" Elizabeth asked "umm wanna watch TV?"Chris asked "sure!" Me and Elizabeth yelled in unison. "Kids come get breakfast!"William yelled from another room. "Ok" Chris yelled as we all got of the sofa and made are way to the kitchen.
                 Time skip
        After we all were done eating I was told to go back to Chris room to play. "Umm hey Bryan Hun..." Miss Afton said as she opened the door "y-yeah?" I asked "well I don't quite know how to say this,Hun your parents are...dead..." She said solemnly, I burst into tears they may have done some bad things to me but it still made me sad I remember those happy days so well but they are just a distant memory now, Elizabeth doesn't even remember me anymore and neither does miss Afton.
             Helpys p.o.v
    "Ummm guys what's wrong with Bryan?" I asked "well he's just been staring at this picture for the past hour" ballora said obviously conserned. "Have you looked at the picture?" I asked "well no I find it disrespectful to intrude on his- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Ballora yelled as I plucked the photo out of his hands. It was a picture of what seemed like a family.

"Ballora do you know what this is?" I asked as I handed the photo, her eyes widened and she began to cry

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"Ballora do you know what this is?" I asked as I handed the photo, her eyes widened and she began to cry. She dropped the photo and ran out of the room.
"That was weird" I said to myself as I placed the photo onto his lap
               Balloras p.o.v
       "Baby!" I yelled "what is it mom?" Baby asked me "well I found out something and I feel like you should now" I said "well what is it?" She asked "do you remember when you where a kid how your father brought home a kid that stayed for a couple of days?" I asked "yeah" she responded. "That kid is Bryan" I said.

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