twisteds and confronted. chapter 6

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R.S Freddy's p.o.v
  Me and happy frog ran and ran we heard a gun shot but we continued anyway it was only when we heard their footsteps going in the opposite direction did we stop. We slowly walked back to the park just in case when I was walking back to the hotel I saw a small hole in the office window but maybe it was nothing.
  No I have been dismissing to many things with a maybe but I need to ask him. I stormed into Bryan's office and pushed the door open "hi Freddy what's going on"he asked me sitting at the desk doing Lord knows what on his computer probably work. "First of all what were those wierd animatronics chasing me and happy frog, second why is there a hole in your window?"I asked staring into his soul. He sweat " doesn't really matter does it"he said nervously "yes it does" I shout."no it does not now sho I have work to do"he yells. I left what does he not want me to know I will find out.


What you guys doing

Well bye

Nothing to see here

Did you know today(Feb 17)is my birthday bet you didn't

Ok bye UwU

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