family problems part 2

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Baby's p.o.v
      "What?!" I yelled mom seemed slightly shocked at my reaction " I would have thought you would be happier, I mean it was painfully obvious that when you were a kid you had a crush on that boy" she smirked. "NO I DIDN'T!" I yelled "what the hell's  going on over here?" Jon asked "hello garbage!" I said with fake enthusiasm. "Wow, harsh but understandable..." He said looking down "anyway why are you here trash!?" I asked "well I'm here to check up on Bryan and his progress on his most recent mission" he said "and that is?" Ballora asked "he's building molten a new suit it should be done by now" he explained. "Well I guess I'll escort you oh and just a heads up he's been in some sort of trance for the last couple of hours don't know what's wrong with him..."I warned. "A-Alright well let's go" he stuttered, the walk to the hotel room was a quiet one neither of us said a word to each other. When we made it to the room I opened the door and stepped inside, there was blood everywhere and Bryan was laying on the floor. A bunny that I was all to familiar with stood above him facing away from the door "yo Bryan get up I need to clean up the blood" springtrap said calmly "but I don't wanna" Bryan whined "look the more I stand here the more blood is dripping so I need you to clean me.... Please" springtrap paused. I never thought I would see my father of all people being so kind but from what I remember as a kid William did treat Bryan like his own for the few days he spent with us plus we went to the same school. "Alright I'll do it give me a sec..."Bryan said sitting up and walking to the bathroom,Jon seemed to have bailed as soon as he saw dad wonder why..." So... Bryan your cuts doing good?" Dad asked I was kinda curious what did he mean "yeah there fine anyway come closer" Bryan said as he began wiping the blood off dad. My animatronic heart began to thump out of my electronic body, THIS IS jUST LIKE A YOAI MANGA! I fangirled.
   Bryan's p.o.v  
          When I began to hear squealing I knew something was up "you hear that Bryan?" Spring asked "yup" i stood up and walked over to the door only to see it was cracked open and baby was peering inside the room "what's up baby?"I asked "i-im g-good"she stuttered "don't erase her memory she doesn't remember me doing anything to bad besides you gotta tell em at some point"springtrap said telepathically, jeez sometimes telepathy sucks.
Baby's p.o.v
"Come here Elizabeth I got something to tell you but it's a big secret and if you tell the others without checking if it's ok with me first I will erase your memory" he said a fake sweetness in his voice, he reminded me of fauther sweet sounding words but bitter eyes. I nodded and he smiled he told me all about how springtrap and molten died and how he's freind's with those twisted freaks how he cuts himself everything at least I think everything I didn't know what to do with all this information so I ran and ran away but somehow was dragged back by magic? I didn't know what brought me back but it did. "hey you can't run off like that Elizabeth" Bryan scolded. I burst into tears and grabbed Bryan's leg I cried and cried Bryan held me in his arms just like mamma would "goodnight baby" was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.
             *In the morning*
     Finally I gathered the courage to talk to him I walked up to Bryan who was chatting with springtrap, I tugged on his shirt and asked "hey Bryan... Can I call you Pappa?" He seemed shocked."why would you wanna call me that?!" He shouted. I pressed my small body against him slightly "well your nice to me and old Pappa is just mean and grumpy"I pouted "why..." Springtrap said completely defeated "you know what? Sure call me what you want to" Bryan respond I Cheered and jumped on him he fell over and springtrap laughed "come on papa let's go see the others!" I yelled he stood up and I jumped on his back he didn't seem to mind  "onwords!"I yelled as he gave me a piggy back and springtrap logged behind depressed. "Hey guys!" I yelled from Bryan's back, Bryan giggled "what the hell are you doing?" Freddy asked thoroughly confused. "Riding papa!" I yelled then immediately realized what I just said and began to blush uncontrollably "hey Bryan hope you haven't forgotten your work" Jon said pretending he totally didn't ditch me yesterday "no I didn't he's in the office incase you want to see it he's sleeping through he'll be like that for a bit something about souls" Bryan said probably forgetting that the others are here " I'll check it out later, anyway why is baby calling you papa?" Jon asked the question that the others were all probably asking as well "cause he said I could and he's better than grumpy old daddy" I pouted sticking me tounge out at springtrap. "Okay..." He said as he walked off "hey papa let me down. For a sec" I said "alright" he stopped me gently onto the ground and I ran over to mama she began to tell me Bryan was getting us a brand new friend "what's there name?" I asked "wolfy" she answered. That's weird Bryan didn't tell me about actually inviting that weirdo to the park as a animatronic were supposed to get along with "hey guys I got the new animatronic ready, you guys wanna meet him?" Bryan asked the others screamed yes or talked quietly about how they didn't care "here he is!" Bryan yelled as he pulled a curtain aside and wow he looked different from last time we saw him when he was torn up

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