a weird fence. chapter 3

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Bryan's p.o.v
After I showed lefty around I got back to work. Ordering new things for the theme park and doing paperwork. Then I heard the doors to the office open I looked and R.S Freddy was standing there "hey Bryan" he said flatly(like monotone)" hi Freddy" I raised my eyebrow what did he need now "what were you doing to lefty last night" I froze " w-what do you mean freddy" I asked did he see me altering Lefty's momories "last night I saw you working on lefty and mumbling" he stared at me " just fixing him he had a couple of screws loose and all" I was sweating but from the look on Freddy's face he bought it."oh alright that makes sense I guess"he turned around to leave and I let out a sigh of relief. Cmon Bryan focous you need to make life for the animatronics better and improve the park.
R.S Freddy's p.o.v
I couldn't tell if he was lying or not when he said he was just repairing lefty I began to walk around the park I went to go talk to foxy but when I got there he was charging so I looked around his area when going by the trees I saw something I walked over to it and saw a fence with a sigh attached to it the fence was tore open and the sign read "please stay out of the area as it does not come witch the theme park thank you -Bryan" but I knew not to let my curiosity get the best of me and left the fence alone...for now at least.

February 9 2020

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