under the eyepatch

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Bryan's p.o.v
   I woke up, I could tell by how the sun shined I was out for all of yesterday. I couldn't tell my eye I couldn't feel pain at all weirdly enough. I pulled the knife out of my eye but the eye went with it. I rushed to clean the blood, stop the bleeding, and cover my eye. I grabbed a red and black eyepatch in the shape of a star, if I wanted to convince the others it was for fashion it needs to actually be fashionable. I ran out of the hotel the others were still off, and I didn't have any work to do.
   I walked along the park with my clip board and jotted down random things when I got a phone call I looked down at the caller ID and froze 'jon calling'.
R.S foxys p.o.v
  I turned on, the 'loud booting up' sound filled my ears as I looked up but then my ears picked up on something else "umm hey j-jon"said a worried voice. There was muffled yelling for a moment before the voice spoke again "j-jon calm down I'll work on it I promise" as I walked closer my eyes widened it was Bryan, while normally I wouldn't be surprised lately Bryan and Jon haven't been on the best of terms, but I couldn't bring myself to remember why they weren't on good terms. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize that Bryan already ended the call, he sighed and when he turned around I noticed he was wearing an eyepatch a rather stylish one at that. I stared at him like an idiot before snapping out of it and calling to him " Hey Bryan rather stylish eyepatch you got there" he ran over to me smiling " you think so, I wanted to try out a new style im calling it bad depth perception what do you think?" He asked innocently " yeah it looks great on you" he blushed lightly "thanks anyway, the others are probably on by now you want to go see them?" He asked "sure,sure."
Bryan's p.o.v
   Once we got there every one asked about my eyepatch and I gave them the same answer "for fashion of course" I was talking with ballora when Freddy came up behind me "what's under the eyepatch?" He asked staring into my soul but I stayed calm " my eye?" I lied "sure" he walked away.  " That was strange" ballora pointed out "you can say that again..." We continued to talk when ballora asked me  "Bryan is that blood?!?" Weird thing is she was extremely quite. I reached up and touched my face I felt a liquid I pulled my finger back and infront of my good eye and saw my finger covered in thick, red blood " I-ill take care of it bye!" I yelled as I ran off to stop the bleeding again.
I sat on my bed I stopped the bleeding but was scared to go back out side, after all what if ballora told everyone what happened they'd breathing down my neck. I heard a nock on the door " come in!" the door opened and lefty walked in " you okay Bryan?" He asked "yeah I'm fine, why?" I asked " well we all saw you run off, but I'm glad you're okay!" He smiled brightly at me  "yeah I'm good don't worry" I assured as I stood up and walked out the door " well what are you waiting for come on" I yelled like a child he ran with me back to the others we both giggled and joked no one asked me about what happened earlier " weird" I thought I continued to talk to lefty about random things like work, food, hobbies, weather, politics, demon goats, sacrificing children Yunno normal things. "Hey Bryan can you follow me?" Lefty asked "sure I guess " I questioned if this was a good idea but hey it was lefty we were talking about , lefty would never do anything bad.
"Lefty why are we over here?" I asked nervous he lead me to the most secluded place in the park. He pushed me against the wall and yelled "what did you do to me! " I tried to run but unless I wanted to blow my cover I couldn't do much "lefty what do you mean?!?" I yelled "what did you do to my system!"

Hope you guys enjoyed UwU ♡

Feb 23 2020
747 words

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