the finale

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Moltens p.o.v
      I stared at Bryan as he slept and grabbed his hand Loving every second as I gave him a kiss on the cheek I blushed lightly, then the door to his room opens and happy frog walks through "oh hey molten!" She says in a peppy voice."why are you here?" I ask annoyed that she interrupted me and Bryan, "well I mean I came to check on him and all that I mean we all just remembered alot and I wanted to see if he was okay I mean we know he's depressed and all but you get what I mean?" She askes I just nod and continue to stare at my love I hear happy frog walk closer "what do you want happy frog ?" I ask her "oh I'm not happy frog" they respond before I can see who it is all goes black and I fall backward.
Jon's p.o.v
         I knock molten out and he falls to the floor I walk over to the bed and pick Bryan up. I walk quietly out of the park Bryan will be mine.
R.S Freddy's p.o.v
       I lifted my head and looked around the others still seemed to be charging or something, I walked to Bryan hotel room to see if he was awake or not and saw springtrap outside shaking " what's going on?" I ask he just points inside I peek in and my eyes widen in shock happy frog was ripped in half on the floor and molten had a huge dent in his head and was also in a skirt. "What the hell happened and where is Bryan?" I yelled "well I don't know I went here to check on Bryan and he was gone and all I found was these two and some green hair probably Jon's..." He spoke nervously and walked in the room then we heard a ring springtrap looked down and picked up a phone most likely Bryan's he showed the me the caller ID Jon.

Sorry it's short and it ends on a cliff hanger bit it has to for the sequel. Also I have 3 for 3  on the rewrite or sequel stuff so can you help me with that also if you have already told me your opinion on the rewrite or sequel pls don't tell me again I'll get confused again sorry it took so long and it's so short...

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