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Bryan's p.o.v
      "AAAAAAAHHHHHH" I jumped as I heard one of the loudest screams since my first time I got beaten. I jumped off of my bed and raced outside all of my animatronics were still talking to each other like they didn't hear someone screaming bloody murder. I slowly walked around and in the trees bear the portal area stood twisted wolf his claws unsheathed and he was staring at something on the ground I recognized him immediately "jon!" I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him a bit of blood leaked out of his mouth and blood got all over my clothes from the huge gashes in his stomach and chest I screamed "wolfy why did you do this!?" He stared at me like I asked a stupid question " Bryan he abused you!" He screamed finally the animatronics came and twisted ran off back to the portal I held Jon close to my chest and cried hoping he would be okay.
Jon's p.o.v
      I woke up my whole body was acheing "where am I ?" I asked myself "oh thank God your alive!" Huh? Who was that I turned my head and saw Bryan crying it made me kinda feel bad I noticed he was holding my hand and blushed but pretended not to care "disgusting let go of my hand" he jumped and let go I missed his touch " oh I'm so sorry sir but are you alright?need me to get you anything?" He asked sweetly "no leave me alone" I glared he hurried out but I missed his company I sat alone in that room it gave me time to think, to think about what I have done to Bryan I don't get why I keep doing this to him it doesn't make me happy it just makes me sad maybe I should see a therapist.
Helpys p.o.v
       I watched as bryan ran out of Jon's room and sighed I don't get why Bryan cared lefty told all of us about Jon I already knew the weren't on good terms but I didn't think would ever verbally abuse Bryan let alone physically. I pushed Jon's hotel room door open and glared at him " oh hi helpy" he said calmly "we know what you did to Bryan..." He looked shocked "we all know you abuse him so watch your back" I said nothing else as I walked out of the room

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