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But darling, even those shaking hands can reach for the stars. Those watery eyes can still watch the prettiest sights, the hair on your scalp that you for unknown reasons despise, it's still beautiful and still looks amazing framing your face the way it's supposed to. 

You never seemed to care about your football bruises when you were a kid so why start now? Why do you think anyone's going to focus on the so-called "ugly" aspects of you? You're a queen in the prime of her glory, you've got years and years to peak. 

You have a whole life to focus on outside the little space of your mirror, put down the mask and the hair straightener and show the world how magically enchanting your castle will be ruled without hiding who you really are. Choose to build your kingdom on the soil of truth and the land of self-love. 

Your highness. 

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