03 - Canvas

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"You will be my beautiful canvas"


The next cold morning, Jin had multiple cough attacks from his allergy. His nose started to be blocked once he finished his morning shower, probably because of the cold water combining with his allergy.

Once he is done showering and in his comfortable warm clothes he sits by the small counter in his house, grabbing a banana, gently peeling off the skin before someone knocks on his door.

With the banana in his hand, some sets of cough, sore throat and stuffy nose, he quickly went to the front door, opening the door to see whoever was knocking it.

"Yes, can I help you?" Jin asks once he opens the door.

It is not one but two men are there right in front of his door.

Without a single reply from them, they grabbed the wrist of the hand he held in his banana and pulled him close.

"What?" Jin asks again, trying to break free from the grip.

"Follow us," a deep voice man ordered.

Jin frowns hard at them while still trying to break free his wrist.

"Why would I? To wher-" a sneeze escaped.

"I'm sorry, allergies, give me a second," Jin says, walking back in grabbing some tissues and washing his hand.

As Jin finishes washing his hand, he grabs his banana again and this time he takes a bite before the men really yank him, dragging him out of his house. They drag him out without his shoes, he is not even in his slippers.

"Excuse me!" Jin says while they are walking. It's cold, everything is cold especially his feet since he is barefooted.

But they didn't listen. Jin stops moving making them turn their head to him. Jin thought he did something to really stop him but apparently he didn't.

The deep voice man pulls him hard making his precious half bitten banana fall from his hand and the bracelet on his wrist loosen up, also falling onto the road.

This time, Jin pulls his hand harder, breaking free from them before running to where his bracelet fell, collecting it in his hand.

When he is about to pick up the bracelet, a shoe steps onto it making Jin glance up looking at the owner of the shoes.

"Jimin, what are you doing here?" the deep voice man asks.

That Jimin guy shrugs before he himself picks up the bracelet looking through it. In the matter of a few seconds, Jin grabs back his bracelet from the guy. The guy then walks closer to him before whispering,

"You are going to be dead."

Jin looks through his eyes right after he hears the words. When he was about to process the words in detail, once again he was dragged somewhere just this time, he didn't fight back.

The quiet man who mutters nothing since he starts to pull out a gun from his pocket, pushing the mouth of the gun at Jin's waist, telling him to walk otherwise he is going to shoot him.

Once they got into a vehicle, they covered his eyes with a piece of black cloth for him to see nothing.

"Where are you taking me to? I have my work to do on Monday." Jin says to them which they reply nothing.

"Speak one more word and I'm going to cut your hand"

Jin knows that voice, the Jimin guy or whatever his name is. When they arrived at wherever they were, he was dragged again into a house or something like that.

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