14 - Innermost

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"How nice it is"


Jimin walks closer until he is right in front of Jin. When Jimin's hand move, Jin flinch a little, thinking that Jimin wanted to slap him or whatever and what caught Jin off guard is, instead of beating him, Jimin actually pick up the spoon and place it in Jin's hand.

"Don't apologise to me, I'm the one who should do that" Jimin replies, nodding at Jin as a sign that he can continue eating.

Despite being hungry, Jin didn't even finished his food. It is barely half of the food gone. Maybe Jin is so used to skipping meals and having no money to afford much that his body is getting use to it.

After awhile of eating, Jimin pass him the familiar pills. Jin just half heartedly take it.

"Do you need anything else?" Jimin asks after that.

Jin shakes his head a little as a no.

"I'll leave you alone, if you need anything just tell me. Rest well" Jimin says with his hands holding the tray of half eaten food while walking out.

It is close to two in the morning and Jin still can't sleep. Not that because he feels the pain and hurting but more to because he is just can't sleep for whatever reason it is.

Jin is honestly so bored, he finished reading the only book in the room a few minutes ago and now he has nothing to do. Nothing to do, absolutely nothing to entertain him.

Right, the only thing he could think of, is watching the night view from the window. There are not much stars on the sky, but still Jin enjoy looking at them with the cold breeze pass through his face.

When Jin was enjoying the view, he can hear the clicking sound of the door, he quickly turns his head watching the door being open by none other than Jimin.

"I thought you're already sleeping" Jimin says in his soft tone with his hands holding a thick blanket.


"Couldn't sleep" Jin replies.

"Do you want anything? I can help" Jimin offers.

But Jin didn't want anything so of course he didn't take the offer by shaking his head.

"What are you doing here?"  Jin asks instead.

"I'm just want to make sure that you're alright" Jimin replies.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to run" Jin says, smiling a little.

"I know, it is not about that. I just want to make sure everything is alright" Jimin replies again.

"Is that for me?" Jin asks, pointing out a thick blanket in Jimin's hands.

Well, actually it is for Jimin himself but if Jin wants it, Jimin will absolutely give it to Jin.

"Y-yes" Jimin says, stuttering.

Great, stuttering a little.

"It is actually a joke, sorry" Jin laughing a little while hissing with his hand on his ribs.

Laughing with a broken ribs certainly is not the best thing ever. But as long as nothing major happened then, it will be okay.

After hearing the words from Jin's mouth, Jimin honestly wants Jin to stop apologising. There is nothing for Jin to apologise to him. When Jin is already calm down from the hissing and the chuckling, he limps to the bed, wanting to lay on it.

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